Dungeon 9 Turn 37


Ricki and Kamau finally catch up with Botanya and kill the two zombies with help from their pets. Botanya’s pipes unfortunately don’t work, but the flytrap is immune to the plague. The mushroom, however, is not, and now has 2 points of Infection.

Lara lags a bit behind the rest of the party, and she’s getting awfully sick of Coccyx shooting arrows at her constantly.

“Will you STOP that already?! That last one almost hurt!”

“Then stop wandering through my dungeon! You don’t belong here, you’re not dead!”

“YOU don’t belong here! Dead people aren’t supposed to talk!”

“Well that’s weird because I keep hearing YOU FOUR yammer on about whatever, and you’re ALL as good as dead!”

“…Once I find a weak spot in all your armour!”

“You know, you’re not the only one around here who can dish out damage at range. If you keep this up, I’m gonna get mad and start shooting back.”

“Good! Do it!”

“Don’t tempt me.”

“I, the greatest archer the world has ever known, RELISH the challenge!”

“Our battle shall be glori—”

Lara accidentally kills Coccyx.