Dungeon 7 Turn 37


Kamau and Lohk descend the stalk, while Ricki climbs back up. Lohk hides behind Kamau while she uses one charge of her wand of fireball to completely incinerate one of the two tomato stalks with a powerful blast. Kamau blocks one instance of return fire with his face, and Squirrel blocks the other with his appetite.

Ricki climbs all the way to the top of the stalk and hands over four tomatoes, two onions, a potato, and a corn cob over to the magicrows. They each take one, except for the elder magicrow which takes two. That leaves two crows unfed, and they aren’t shy about complaining. The rest seem fairly content to be fed, however. Hopefully this will lead to good things.

Macadamia picks one carrot from under the treehouse.