Dungeon 5 Turn 39


Macadamia takes one of the picks after giving away one of his rings, but he can no longer carry anything else. As the rest of the group heads to the right at Kamau’s urging, Ricki grabs some defensive gear from her friends and gives away her weapon and thieves’ tools to make room in inventory. She then rides Daisy past the two insectoid beetles and loots the chest, finding a heavy pick. She runs past again and rejoins the group, taking only 1 point of damage on the way.

After chalking up his first point of Remorse for this dungeon, Kamau grapples the giant scorpion, toughing out its sting attack in order to allow everyone else to run past safely and descend the ladder.

“So, seriously. What’s going on down here?”

“We told you we aren’t sure.”

“Okay, but that red kobold back there had some hardcore crazy eyes, like even worse than the rest of the miners.”

“It’s a look I’ve seen before. Is there some kind of cult operating down here? What god do kobold miners worship?”

“Historically, kobolds have never worshipped gods.”

“Until the Emperor, of course.”


“My grandparents told me that some kobolds used to worship their dragon masters, back in the bad old days before we were liberated and brought into the Empire.”

“But all the dragons are extinct now! The Emperor killed the last one almost a hundred years ago.”

“The last one that we KNOW of, you mean.”

A terrible wave of heat rises from below. Peering down the ladder shaft, the party can see a bizarre creature dragging its swollen belly across the floor. It doesn’t match the descriptions of dragons that they’ve all heard before, but something tells them there isn’t much practical difference between the two right now.

Ricki can sense that there is an exit to the dungeon nearby. If they can just get past this final obstacle, they should all be home free.


Atk +4, 2-handed, 20% chance to deal +3 damage.
Weight 2, Cost 17