Dungeon 3 Turn 63


Lara picks up the tarnished sun sphere, able to carry it fairly easily. She and Ricki then climb down the side of the chapel and then down the ladder to the base of the chapel’s tower. On the way, Ricki tries to talk to Lara about what kind of stuff they can do.

“So what kind of stuff can you do? Like, in a fight?”

“I dunno. I don’t have a weapon. You wanna loan me one of yours?”

“Maybe, but I can’t decide which one to give you… Would the light from the torch hurt your eyes?”

“No, that’s a racial stereotype. Drow can see in the dark really well, but bright lights don’t hurt us any more than they hurt you.”

“Hmm, okay. Can you do magic? You have robes on, like what a magic person would wear.”

“I’m just a guy with fancy clothes.”


At the same moment, Kamau makes his way from the door room up to where Ricki and Lara are. On the way he passes by the two groups of bats, which both attack him. He takes 1 damage from their combined assault, mostly due to the presence of a deadly venom bat.

Kamau runs past the flittermice and up to the platform where the other two await.

“Oh, hi Kamau! This is my new friend Lara. She’s gonna help—”

“Ricki, get away from her!”

“What? Why?”

“Yeah, man, what’s your problem?”

“Those clothes she’s wearing! Don’t you recognize them?!”

“Your new ‘friend’ is an arachnomancer! A bloodthirsty cultist!”

“What, just because of how I’m dressed?”

“Oh, please. Those robes are forbidden everywhere in the empire. The only way you’d get away with wearing them is if you came here straight from a hidden cult compound.”

“Yeesh. Sounds like your OTHER ‘friend’ is a COP.”