Dungeon 3 Turn 62


Kamau flees the fight with the sun creature and runs to the left and up the ladder, scooping up the two thieves’ tools on the way since the plan to grab the bow has been abandoned for now.

His sense of foreboding seems to grow even stronger…

Ricki speaks with the drow.

“What are you supposed to be, some kind of pope?”

“No, just a guy with a fancy hat. My name’s Ricki!”

“Lara. And are you the one that rang that bell a minute ago and almost blew my eardrums out?”

“Yeah, sorry, that was me. We’re trying to stop the skeletons from spawning in the graveyard, and I thought the bell would help. What are you doing up here, anyway?”

“Well I WAS trying to have a peaceful smoke where nobody would bother me, but I guess that didn’t pan out, did it?”

“I see, I see. Hey, so, turns out the bell summoned some kind of evil blob monster? And now it looks like it’s wandering the dungeon, so… Do you want to help us kill it?”

“Sure, whatever. Sounds fun.”

Lara has apparently agreed to help destroy the horrific blob that Ricki accidentally awakened with minimal prompting! Lara will take her actions from the reader suggestions, she GUESSES, but she hasn’t offered to explain what she can actually do yet.

Ricki can’t WAIT to tell Kamau she recruited another party member without knowing anything about them!