Dungeon 14 Turn 21

Ricki and Mac lead the seven kobold prisoners out of the room they were confined in, leaving them in Botanya’s care. Botanya ignores the kobolds and uses her wand of mend to heal her flytrap for 2 HP.

Macadamia remains in the room that used to have some miners in it. He’s still pretty mad.

After Kamau adds the two shields in his possession (one sun-themed and the other quite ordinary) to the growing pile of lucre on the ground, Ricki uses the power of the rabbit paw to call her associate Paws into the dungeon.
“Hey Paws. We’ve got some stuff we want to sell you.”
“Yes, I can see that. You do remember that I don’t buy things off the ground, right?”
“Yeah, I know.”
“Okay then.”
“I’ll be adding my usual roaming fee as well, so that’s gonna be quarter price on anything that’s not certified treasure.”
“And I’ll take that paw back, thanks.”
“Clock’s started, what have you got for me?”
Tell paws nevermind, we’re good.
Ricki: Drop your Atlatl with the stash. Sell your Tyrant Horn to Paws. Buy 3 Lockpicks from him. Head left, then head right (upper).
Kamau: Drop your held Silver Atk Ring with the stash. Head left, then right (upper) with Ricki.
Mac: Head left. Sell your 12 smiffed Copper Rings and everything in Golly’s packs. With that 87 gold, 15 gp should go to top off Ricki’s purse, and buy another Wand of Heal and Rope for Botanya. If she can’t immediately take them, drop them on the floor. Finally, buy a rope for yourself.
Botanya: Escort the Kobolds upward. Use your action to move left. Drop your Holy Robes in the stash. Collect those items from Paws if you can, otherwise stand awkwardly as they’re dropped at your feet.
Purchases TL;DR, Ricki gets 3 lockpicks and a full purse, Mac gets 18 gold and a rope, Botanya/The Floor gets a Wand of Heal and a rope.
Next turn Ricki and Kamau engage the Death Squad while Mac picks stuff up and Botanya moves towards Ricki/Kamau.
Ricky’s full, we’ve got gold left, and shop’s still open. Would it be wise to buy the Paw back? Shop will close way before T30, *if* we linger here and clear more enemies, chests, or even somehow run around past that ~T25 successfully not engaging the the Tyrant, we might have many more items to liquidate. The Paw may simply lie here on the floor to free up space for carrying items back here, or in Mac’s backpack so it can be used and clear Golly’s load anytime anywhere.
We don’t need to be messing with the shop twice in one dungeon. We should still everything we can now, leaving us enough space for whatever we find for the rest of the dungeon.
Why do we need another wand of heal? The 1 heal + 1 mend combo seems good.
We have more gold then we can carry out and a slot available in the holster. Could be useful for fight vs king
Why not have Mac drop shocktail so he has more inventory to sell floor stuff faster? Like, he will have to spend an action to pickup the press and midas gloves at the end anyway right?
3 lockpicks and 2 ropes seems excessive. We already cleared half the dungeon and didn’t even end up using the 1 rope we brought to previous dungeons. I think more gold should be spent on stuff that can be useful but is also good to bring out like the wand of heal. Maybe a stack of wanted posters? (50 gold)
Dropping Shocktail now provides no benefit.
I agree 2 rope is excessive but there was some discussion about it. 1 Rope to potentially use in the room directly above with the gap in the floor/ceiling, and another rope to leave behind here to use in the feeding room later if necessary. Its not expensive though so whatever.
3 Lockpicks is maybe 1 lockpick excessive imo. But we already know we want to use one to disarm that trap by the squad of Death Kobolds. And besides, we have done half the dungeon and in that half we used three lockpicks. So maybe 3 isnt so excessive for the other half. Worst case we wasted a really small amount of gold in the grand scheme of things.
We plan for two rounds of selling, which also means more gold to spend. We will probably buy some wanted posters with the 2nd rounds gold (including the 17 gp leftover from this it will be like 90+ gp to spend).
actually I think the math is off. 86-15-40-8-8=15 gp leftover. But your 86 is wrong too cuz (12×20+3×25+2×17)/4 = 87.25 gp. So the actual leftover is 16 gp.
But that still doesn’t get to 90+ gp. Selling 8 copper rings, a horn, heavy shield, shield, spear, sword and robe is 70.25 gp. So you have 86 gp with 2nd round. Or are you planning to sell greater healing/collar?
Actually 18 gp leftover, my bad on that.
Also initial plan was to sell the silver rings as well, which I think we have decided against. At least Id rather hold onto them. Still plenty of gold to buy wanted posters though.
Plan is to buy 3 gold rings for Mac since its just an efficient use of gp/inventory space and we are gonna want them for his bond dungeon anyway.
It’s 16 not 18. Or maybe I’m just confused? Please detail your math lol.
12 Copper Rings @ 5 Gp each = 60 gp
2 Heavy Picks @ 4.25 gp each = 8.5 gp
3 Crossbows @ 6.25 gp each = 18.75 gp
Total: 87.25 gp, or 87 gp.
15 GP goes to top off Ricki’s purse, bringing us to 72
Wand of Heal costs 40 gp, bringing us to 32 gp
2 Ropes at 7 each costs 14 gp, bringing us to 18 gp (normal price of rope is 8, but we have the Drop Box giving it a discount)
Next turn Mac is going to adjust his inventory so he has:
4x Atk Rings (80/4=20 gp)
4x Def Rings (80/4=20 gp)
Holy Robes (20/4=5 gp)
Tyrant Horn (10 gp)
Shield (20/4=5 gp)
Golly Inventory will be
Shield (20/4=5 gp) (There is a 2nd one, I promise)
Heavy Shield (16/4=6.5 gp)
Longsword (6/4=1.5 gp)
Spear (9/4=2.25 gp)
18 gp
Once all that is sold on the following turn we will have 93.25 rounded down to 93 to play with. 45 gp goes to 3x Gold Rings, leaving us with 48. Claudious wants to leave a stack of gold on the floor to pick up later since there’s aren’t a lot of items in this dungeon that would be worth 20 gp per slot. I think we could buy 2 Wanted Posters and leave 18 gp on the ground for later.
Oh right, drop box discount. Thanks!
The other shield is at the entrance with the 4 picks right? Are we planning to grab that pile to sell it?
We have 2 shields in this room. There was one that Ricki dropped in it off screen on turn 14, and the one that Kamau just dropped in it. LSN said he’d note there is a 2nd normal shield but didn’t want to change the turn image since it’s not that big of a deal.
Ah I was looking at combatdoctor’s map but it hasn’t been updated with the latest turns. So hard to keep track of things without the map >.<
(oO) Botanya looks like a slave master with a whip, leading a small army
Sick’s plan but more efficient? Also having Kamau grab the potion and corona cuz Mac’s inventory will be full after purchases and I’m not sure if we are coming back here this time.
Ricki: Trade with stash and paws. Drop your Atlatl. Hand paws your horn. Get 10 gold and 3 lockpicks from him. Head left, then head right (upper).
Kamau: Join the the group trade with the stash to get corona, greater healing potion and steak from the stash. Drop your silver atk ring. Head left.
Mac: Head left. Join the group trade with the stash to sell your 12 smiffed Copper Rings plus everything in Golly’s packs. Get from the stash the copper rings, a horn, heavy shield, both regular shields, spear, sword. Get from paws a wand of heal and a rope for Botanya. If she can’t immediately take it, drop it on the floor. Keep any leftover gold that Ricki didn’t take for next turn.
Botanya: Escort the Kobolds upward. Use your action to move left. Drop your Holy Robes in the stash. Collect those items from Paws if you can, otherwise stand awkwardly as they’re dropped at your feet.
Next turn Mac can sell everything he picked up now, Kamau drink his potion/eat steak while walking toward death kobolds and Ricki case Paws from above so we know what all the stuff in his packs actually do.
That is actually genius lol
Case didnt work on Petmaster’s Pet so I dont think it will work on Paws.
That said, I do think it will make for an interesting comment at least.
I agree, but you never know. LSN has rewarded us for using Rickis abilities before. 😀
We were told that was because equiped pet items
and case doesn’t work on buffs, only inventory.
So I think case will work here cuz items in packs still count as being in inventory for abilities, like our purse gold.
I don’t think Case will work here, despite Paws having an inventory. We’ll probably get a snarky comment out of it, though, which is its own reward.
Also if it does work… Wouldn’t we more or less just get a link to the “Paws Packs” page? Plus maybe worn equipment, if any.
I think I prefer this plan where we delay the death squad fight a turn so Kamau can pick up the items we’re gonna trade back to him eventually anyway. Could we have him pick up the Midas Gloves instead of the Steak though? Otherwise the only person to carry it is Mac & Golly, and their inventory spaces are very valuable at the moment.
I would, but it is not letting me edit anymore 🙁
I know it’s a bit late, but what do you guys think about grabbing a Frostbite or Venomous Barrage wand for Botanya instead?
8 damage (from Venomous Barrage) may give us what we need take Big Boy down in one turn, combined with everyone else. 2 damage and -3 defense (Frostbite) would greatly improve our chances to 2-turn him, plus it’s usable 2x/dungeon.
Unfortunately dealing damage with wands is still considered attacking for Botanya, we asked on Discord when we got her.
Ah, darn.