Dungeon 13 Turn 3


Ricki dodges two magic rays and blocks two more as she quickly reads the note on the wall.

Experiment successful but unstable. Power flow must be highly regulated (particularly during oscillation) to avoid buildup and eventual breach.”

Ricki then returns to the previous room.

Amadeusz, Lara, and Cordy engage the group of enemies by the locked chest. Lara singlehandedly destroys a wisp with her basic poison spell, while Cordy uses their wand to help Amadeusz take out the winter wolf. The enemies split their attacks in a tactically abysmal way, resulting in no party members taking damage (though Amadeusz has to block the wolf’s area ice breath from affecting Golly).

Also, a fresh little mushroom sprouts from the wolf’s corpse. Cordy can keep it or assign it to another character.

Lara drop her pack of cigarettes.