Dungeon 13 Turn 2


Lara puts on the upgraded chain armour and heads to the right. Amadeusz reads the remaining note before following.

Elemental creatures have begun to appear throughout the dungeon independently of any experimentation. They should be cleared away daily if they can’t be controlled.”

Ricki helps some of her party members get across a floor trap safely, then uses one of her magic lenses on the elemental wisp at the end of the hall. They’re strange creatures, and it seems they come in lots of varieties. Ricki wishes she’d paid more attention to Lohk’s lectures on magical theory. Also, they appear to have noticed they’ve been scanned. Or maybe they’re just hypervigilant.

Lara explores upward and Ricki explores to the right, while Cordy and Amadeusz hold their positions.

In the room above, Lara doesn’t see anything of note except three angry birds.

Ricki, on the other hand, finds something very strange; a massive glass tube dominates the room, with flames raging within. Her Dungeon Eyes also let her see four pipes emerging from the tank and leading off to other rooms.

Could this have something to do with the wisps? It looks like four of them are gathered here, and they don’t seem very friendly. Ricki thinks it might be worthwhile to check back on this room later and see if her actions elsewhere have changed anything.


HP: 3
Atk: 3 ranged
Def: 0
Abilities: Aligned with one element, deals aligned element damage, immune to aligned element damage, immune to non-elemental damage
Wisps are semi-sentient building blocks of the elemental plane. When brought to the material plane, they are more like scavengers, gathering in groups with similar beings for safety and feeding off of magical energy. They are highly reactive, both in that they attack anything they perceive as a threat with little provocation, and in that they are known to change states in a variety of ways. They are fully immune to all physical damage, but can be easily countered with offensive magic.