Dungeon 6 Turn 21


Macadamia sets his collection of keys down next to the candy and debris, then attempts to climb up the portrait. However, it isn’t the fancy carved kind with lots of handholds, and also it wobbles a lot even from the weight of a kobold. He’ll probably need something sturdier to climb on.

Ricki goes back upstairs and wades into the group of skeletons. She attacks the one wielding a rusty sword, dealing moderate damage. She takes no damage even from all four of them ganging up. It seems the strange spooky aura has indeed fled.

Lara and Lohk go to the kitchen and eat food off the floor. Lara recovers 2 HP and Lohk recovers 1. Also, although Lara is a little grossed out by eating a perfectly delicious steak that’s been sitting on the floor, Lohk is perfectly happy eating mold-encrusted cheese no matter where she finds it. That’s a goblin delicacy, that is.

Lohk then rides Daisy around the dungeon in search for what might have changed when she moved that bookcase.

She also checks the crawlspace.