Dungeon 5 Turn 20


Ricki opens up the chest the Reds were guarding and finds inside an unused wanted poster and a cool-looking toy ball. She thinks this is probably the one the kobold kids lost, but she has no inventory space so she leaves both it and the poster on the ground for now.

Lara attempts to burn the poster on the wall, but it seems to be magically invulnerable. Looks like it’s gonna be there for the rest of the dungeon. She then reads the two signs near the upper floor. The left one says “KEEP WEAPONS STOWED”, but it’s a little late for that. The right one says “Weird Animal Gang Above”.

Kamau picks up some loose coins until his pockets are full, then opens the chest on the bottom floor. To his complete and utter surprise, a crossbow bolt launches out of the front and hits him square in the stomach. He tanks the hit easily, but it’s still an unpleasant surprise. Inside the chest are five more crossbow bolts, which he removes. This trap has now been disarmed.

Ricki drops her greatsword and picks up a rusty dagger instead, then goes down the ladder to the room below.

Ricki decides to try an experiment after hearing the thugs talk about what happened when they tried to take over this room. She can’t take an action because she already opened a chest, but she can still drop her dagger straight down. She does that, and the strange giant bug immediately seems interested. It darts forward and starts chewing up the rusty dagger until only the wooden hilt remains.

It doesn’t seem to acknowledge Ricki as the source of the snack. Actually it doesn’t seem to be paying any attention to her at all.


A very cool ball. It bounces very high.
Weight 1, Cost 2

Can be used with a crossbow. Expended after use.
Weight 1 (Stack 6), Cost 1

Can be posted on the wall in a room while naming a specific type of creature in that room. All such creatures have -1 Atk and Def while in the room. Cannot be removed once posted.
Weight 1 (Stack 5), Cost 10