Intermission 8 Page 28


“All of you have figured out by now that I used to be with the Guard.”

“I think you, at least, know that I didn’t retire on good terms.”

“A lot of the Guard we’ve met have recognized me. They haven’t reacted well, you’ll recall.”

“Yeah. I thought it was weird how mad they all were. I thought maybe you were an officer or something that they all knew.”

“I WAS an officer at one time, yes.”

“But by the time I… left…”

“I had been an Imperial Champion for almost three years.”

“Imperial CHAMPION?”

“THAT’S what “Fallen Champion” means on your character sheet?!”

“…You can see my character sheet?”

“There are only five Champions in the whole world!”

“They’re second in authority to the EMPEROR!”

“Only on military and law enforcement matters. And there’s only four now, obviously.”

“And they had you in JAIL? Waiting for EXECUTION??”

“And nobody had HEARD ABOUT IT?!!”

“Maybe I’m not doing this right.”

“I should start at the beginning.”