Intermission 6 Page 10


Having passed their first night uneventfully in the manor, Ricki and her friends are now at least confident that the building isn’t going to collapse around them. They’ve begun cleaning up a bit, removing some debris and dead rats (for their new pet Squirrel’s peace of mind). The scope of the repairs needed to render this place comfortable is only just starting to settle in, and everyone but Ricki is starting to get depressed at the thought.

Suddenly, there is a knock at the door.

“Real fixer-upper you’ve got here, Ricki.”

“At least you cleaned up all the stuff on the floor.”

“Actually, a zombie did that.”


“Well, I kind of figured from the look of the outside that this place would be in rough shape. But you’ll be happy to know that I might have arranged a way to help you out…”