Ricki finished a dungeon! She can gain one new ability from this list:

Ambush I: +1 Atk when attacking a target that hasn’t interacted with a character previously.

Backstab I: +1 Atk when attacking a target an ally is also attacking.

Big Haul III: +6 Enc.

Case: As an action can identify all items an enemy in the same room carries, even if some items are not visible. Once per dungeon can identify contents of a nearby chest without opening it.

Comforting Weight: +1 Def for each full stack of Gold Coins carried.

Crossbow Proficiency: +1 damage when wielding a crossbow or similar weapon.

Dagger Proficiency: +1 Atk when wielding a dagger or similar weapon.

Dodgy I: Incoming attacks have a 10% chance to miss.

Improvisation: Can use any type of dagger in place of Thieves’ Tools. Daggers always break when used this way.

Sneaky I: Once per dungeon can become undetectable by enemies until end of turn. Can’t be carrying any item of weight 3 or higher while sneaking.

Steal I: Once per dungeon in place of attacking, can try to take one item from an enemy. An item that is carried but not wielded or worn has a 100% chance to be taken successfully. An item that is held or worn has only a 50% chance to be taken successfully. Items have a -10% chance to be taken for each point of weight heavier than 1.

Trap Detection III: Can spot well hidden traps and point them out to allies. Automatically avoid poorly hidden traps.

Trap Disarming: Can expend Thieves’ Tools to render traps harmless, even if they can’t normally be circumvented.