Dungeon 5 Turn 6


Kamau continues to use his Interpose ability to protect Lara while she takes out the second of the two stray dogs. Only the bugbear remains, and he seems intent on fighting to the death despite having no apparent way to inflict damage. Kamau resolves to knock him out instead of killing him, though.

Ricki avoids two pressure plates that she spots on the floor and heads down the ladder to a new section of a room she’s been in before. She walks up the kobold there and strikes up a conversation.

“Hello. Are you part of the family that lives near the entrance?”

“No, I live here by myself. I used to have a bigger place but the gangs upstairs kicked me out.”

“Oh, huh. Isn’t it kind of rough living with that big yellow bug down there?”

“Nah, that thing’s not so bad as long as you don’t go anywhere near it. I can still get out to get food, so I’m doing all right. Thanks for asking, though!”

“Is there anything else you need help with while I’m here?”

“Not really. Maybe I’ll move back into my old place if you can get the gangs to leave, but good luck with that. Most of them aren’t even in here right now, but they’ll be back sooner or later.”