Dungeon 5 Turn 30


Everyone flees from the room with Macadamia’s stall. Lara drops her plain longsword in favour of the new oxidicer. As the last one out of the room, she hears the sounds of battle coming from below. It seems the guards are fighting the bats before following the party through the dungeon, so it seems they’ve bought themselves some time…

The party briefly gathers their wits and necessary items in the hideout of the Goblintown Blues. Kamau drops his potions and bucket in favour of the gold shield. Ricki takes the oxidicer from Lara, who drops her greaves and spare leather in order to take the potion of shield, lens, and encyclopedia. Ricki then takes this relatively quiet moment to talk to Macadamia.

“Okay, Macadamia, I think I know how we can get out of this. I need you to tell me how to get to the tunnels underneath this building.”

“What? There aren’t any tunnels around here.”

“Sure there are! I could see… uhh, I could sense them under my feet when we were on the ground floor.”

“There’s gotta be another way out through there, right?”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about! I haven’t been here very long, only a couple of days!”

“Which is long enough to have your life torn apart, apparently…”

“Hmm… Well, that’s all right. I think I have a good idea of how we get there. Let’s keep going before the guards catch up.”

Meanwhile, Kamau picks up the ragged old ball that Ricki got from the kobold kids and offers it to the dog. He waves it around a bit to get her interest, then throws it for her. She happily retrieves it and then tears it to pieces. It DID smell like a dead animal, after all.

“Good girl. You’re still as spry as you ever were, aren’t you?”

“You want to come along with us? Follow?”

“Haha! That sounds good to you, huh?”

“Guess I should figure out what to call you, then…”

Kamau has successfully convinced the former guard dog to follow the party as a pet! He can now either have her follow him or send her to Ricki (as Lara already has a pet of her own).

“You and me, we’re gonna keep them all safe. Aren’t we, Daisy?”