Dungeon 5 Turn 27


Lara gives Kamau back his plate armour and takes his plain copper ring, then goes down to the rust monster room with her spider.

Kamau picks up the bucket, sets down the magic lens and fistful of raw meat he’s carrying, then puts on all his defensive equipment and runs past all the enemies on the upper level (except the rat). He takes 1 damage in the process due to the ongoing effects of the wanted poster, but inside the chest he finds two pieces of moldy cheese (payment for mercenaries?) and, finally, a ring with a blue stone, just like Macadamia asked for. He then runs back through the enemies, grabs the wanted poster so none of his friends end up on the wrong end of it, and then goes to the room on the right.

Lara watches as the bug devours the now-rusted safe, revealing a very expensive looking shield. With more than a little effort she hefts the gaudy thing and carries it out of the rust monster’s reach.

“There you go, kids! One cool ball, returned to its rightful owners!”

“Thanks, Ricki! Here, you can have this one!”

“I think I have a good idea of what to do with it. You remember to keep an eye out for dangerous sorts, now!”

“We will!”

Ricki feels a sense of fulfilment at having aided these kobolds. She could now leave the dungeon at any time with a sense of accomplishment. Or she could keep messing around, whichever.


Not a very good ball. Does not bounce.
Weight 1, Cost 1

Def +1.
Weight 1, Cost 20

Def +3. 30% chance to break when attacked.
Weight 3, Cost 26