Dungeon 4 Turn 0


After waiting over an hour for the flush cycle to occur, Ricki, Kamau, and Lara descend the rope into the pipes below the city. The dungeon can’t exactly be called dry, but as promised, the water level has subsided enough that they can explore safely… for now.

“Wow. Looks like the rats didn’t waste any time getting here, either.”

“How many are there?”

“Oh yeah, I always forget. You humans can’t see in the dark, can you?”

“Here, let me help you with that.”

“Ugh. Thanks, I guess.”

It seems that a whole swarm of rats has already found its way into the dungeon, apparently with the intention of depositing the things they’ve stolen over the past month. Ricki notices many cracks and holes in the pipes, some of which only she can fit through, as well as a number of places she can’t see how to reach at all. It looks as through the entire dungeon is devoid of light, except for the torch Lara carries.

Nothing else to to but start exploring. They’re on a time limit, after all.


Dungeon 4: The Rat Vault

Goal: All remaining characters must gather at the exit and leave while carrying three or more treasures.

Time Limit: Every 5 turns, the water level will rise by one stage. At turn 20, the dungeon will be completely flooded.

This dungeon can be abandoned. If Ricki leaves while carrying the necessary treasures, only other characters not present at the exit will be considered to have abandoned.