Dungeon 3 Turn 69


Ricki flees the battle before the faithless can kill her, but Lara seems determined to stay behind. Ricki throws her the dawn mitre, the only weapon they have left that can likely damage the thing.

“Hey! Leave her alone, ugly!”

“I don’t care HOW long ago you got here. We both know who you’re here for.”

Lara readies herself to fire a holy bolt into the centre of the dark mass, but something holds her back.

“Ah, screw it.”


“…Yeaaah. So, that whole arachnomancer thing.”

“It’s maybe a little more complicated then I implied.”

“Also, I think your cop broke.”

With the faithless that had desecrated the cemetery now destroyed, no more restless dead will wander out of the abandoned chapel to plague the surrounding neighbourhood.

Ricki and Kamau leave the chapel together. Lara decides to follow along, at least for now.

Dungeon 3 is complete!