Dungeon 14 Turn 65


As the party continues their attempt to stymie the dragon cult’s efforts to raise yet more squamous ectotherms, the sounds of the raging tyrant echo through the—

Kamau and Botanya take defensive positions as the tyrant finishes breaking through the ceiling and looms menacingly in the doorway. It looks like this is coming down to a fight after all. There’s nothing left that can distract the powerful beast now.

It appears the tyrant lizard king has a previously-undiscovered hilariously exaggerated startle reflex. The party takes advantage of the few second she spends spinning in a circle trying to bite the back of her own neck and runs for all they’re worth.

Victory! The five heroes emerge from their trials richer, stronger, and more inclined to romantic subplots than ever before! Thanks in no small part to the intervention of the beautiful dwarven maiden, the Dragon Factory has been shut down, and today shall be forever remembered as—

Dungeon 14 is complete!