Ricki finished a dungeon! She can gain one new ability from this list:
Ambush I: +1 Atk when attacking a target that hasn’t interacted with a character previously.
Backstab I: +1 Atk when attacking a target an ally is also attacking.
Crossbow Proficiency: +1 damage when wielding a crossbow or similar weapon.
Dagger Proficiency: +1 Atk when wielding a dagger or similar weapon.
Dodgy III: Incoming attacks have a 30% chance to miss.
Improvisation: Can use any type of dagger in place of Thieves’ Tools. Daggers always break when used this way.
Poison Use (Lara Bond): Can use venom when attacking.
Sneaky I: Once per dungeon can become undetectable by enemies until end of turn. Can’t be carrying any item of weight 3 or higher while sneaking.
Steal I: Once per dungeon in place of attacking, can try to take one item from an enemy. An item that is carried but not wielded or worn has a 100% chance to be taken successfully. An item that is held or worn has only a 50% chance to be taken successfully. Items have a -10% chance to be taken for each point of weight heavier than 1.
Trap Detection III: Can spot well hidden traps and point them out to allies. Automatically avoid poorly hidden traps.
Sneaky I
Combined with the Chameleon Gloves we just got, Ricki will be able to sneak in and out of dangerous situations with little to no risk. Or Ricki + a buddy can sneak somewhere to together.
Sneaky I
Combined with Gloves we can either sneak in and out later, or sneak 2 people in.
Could be REALLY useful for bond dungeons if we can just skip an entire room.
Dodgy III
Straightforward, always-on buff with no conditions seems best over situational stuff. Combo super well with a gold dodge ring.
We can give the DM a taste of his own medicine
Then he just makes more enemies like King that ignore dodge 🙁
Not keen on dodge since it caps at 70% so either we use 1 gold ring of dodge and go with 60% or use 2 rings wich wastes some of it.
Still hoping sneak wins cause having 2 chars sneak past enemies can really open up our tactics