Dungeon 14 Turn 61


Macadamia blows on a tyrant horn once again. The tyrant lizard leaps up from below and smashes yet another floor, snapping the slackrope on the way, as well as destroying an entire pile of items.

Botanya runs back and forth through the dungeon in a mild panic over the various loud noises she hears from nearby.

Kamau looks for a place to set his bomb so that it will destroy the sole remaining lock on the heavy door, but he can find no such place. With a resigned sigh he instead holds it over his head while Ricki throws her torch from a distance. The resulting explosion does indeed shatter the lock, causing the door to sink into the ground. Kamau manages to withstand the damage of the bomb, but the blastwave knocks Ricki, Daisy, and the beautiful dwarven maiden back to the previous OH MY GOD