Dungeon 13 Turn 19
Ricki briefly goes back up the ladder to guide Amadeusz past some traps, then returns to the middle level. Amadeusz munches on some raw meat and recovers 3 HP.
Ricki and Cordy cooperate to destroy the lingering ice wisp, taking no damage in the process.
Lara scuttles along the ceiling to the left.
Lara kicks and slaps at the roosting bats, not dealing any damage but riling them up real good. They attack Lara, but with her tower shield she avoids getting hurt. She then returns to the right, since merely annoying an enemy doesn’t count as an attack.
Not been keeping track of everyone’s plans, but looks like we have Lara right next to the entrance with a guard patrol about to enter right there on the next turn. Careful careful careful!! Let’s not have a repeat of what happened a few turns earlier…
Don’t know if y’all planning on escaping right now or what
IIRC, Lara only angered the bats to act as a decoy, and as the text says “returns to right” so she’s no longer in the room, she’s back in the central room.
Ricki: point out trap to amad when he comes down. attack the sun knight
Amad: move down. Avoid the trap. Attack the sun knight
Lara: attack the sun knight
Cordy and all his shrooms: remove the barricade. Move left past sun knight after.
Justicar is not coming, so clearing sun knight since we don’t want patrol to kill and equip its loot.
This will one shot it and allow Cordy to scout out patrol when it spawns t20
I like this plan, but IIRC, “remove the barricade” is an attack. Also, pets cant attack without owner attacking as well. Will Cordy be able to move between the room afterwards? I think he can’t even if the barricade goes down. If we want to have eyes there, one of our guys have to skip on attacking and just move there.Nope. It’s OK. Sick clarified in comments below that attacking objects do not lock us in the room, only attacking enemies does.
That’s a relief. Unless they flew past the solar guardian on T18 and are now in the fire tank room, or possibly outside the entrance? Not sure what their MOV is, but I don’t think we can know for sure that they would’ve stopped to engage the SG.
My theory is that the Justicar is looking after that station and wont abandon it in search for us because he knows a patrol is coming and will report the sighting to them to search
Beep boop numbers are poop
It takes 24 to one hit kill because it is holding a shield.
lol, and I proposed a plan to add 2 overkill damage just-in-case
seems spot on xD
Apparently we needed 3, the heavy shield is +3 def so my bad saying its 24 when it should be 25
made my day 😀
“Laaaaaaara Jenkins!!!” :))))
Similar to Sick’s and Claudious plan, but changes for Cordy and Ricky.
Lara: Equip your Siegesword and attack the Solar Guardian.
Amadeusz: Head down, avoid the trap Ricki points out, and attack the Solar Guardian.
Cordy: Sting the Solar Guardian.
Ricki: Point out the floor trap to Amadeusz, do a bat sonar to identify the bats in this room, then go down the ladder and left, so that you end your turn below the entrance’s floor. Stare at the metal grate door with chests behind it that you cannot get your hands on since you scanned the bats, aaaw.. anyways, we get to know/see what happens when the patrol arrives with you there.
Like in Claudious plan, attacking the barricade locks Cordy in the room, so he can’t provide his eyes to the entrance, so I send there Ricky who can’t attack anyways, since she used action to scan the bats. I think that at this moment seeing what happens there is more important than the barricade tunnel.
Since noone else can scout the tunnel past barricade, attacking the barricade is kinda pointless, Cordy’s is free to do anything. Crushing the barricade now, to save actions for later is FINE, but if Lara and Amadeusz combined have 22 Atk — ok — but I don’t like being ‘exact’, we’ve been there, errors happen, and one more enemy hitting us is sometimes a bad thing. So I’m “wasting” Cordy’s action to add a few points of overkill. Also, I don’t remember if SolarGuardians are organic or not. Shiny head ok, but they seem to have non-shiny hands and legs, so maybe there is something “usable” inside. Sting adds poison, maybe we’ll get a mushie. I doubt though.
If we want Ricki in that room, she could use her picks on the locked gate instead of Sonar. Also, Poison Well Dungeon established we could move after attacking objects. We just cant attack enemies and move around after. Those aside, this looks fine. I like more shrooms. Maybe we even Midas Glove for 18 gp?
Oooh. Do attack vs object is not locking? I missed that point, thanks!
Re:Ricky – I thought about it, just like about the tunnel. Here’s the thing: time’s short. We’ll have enemies on us soon. That’s pressing.
I don’t like discovering what’s behind the tunnel strictly because what happened with us going via red pipe: we alerted enemies and lost the surprise. We can’t now focus first attack on S-Justicar without the rest joining. Knowing what’s in that room could lead us to resign from the dungeon ASAP though. We also may get distracted and f***up what’s happening at hand. Also, whatever we see there, it’s not easily reachable at this moment.
The same thing is with chests and grate-door. One turn to open the door, must be done by Ricky. Then loot the chests, but everyone’s busy with baseline attack at SolarGuardian (maybe except Cordy), so we won’t open them on this turn anyways. Opening the gates now, or next turn, we’ll loot the chests only on the next turn anyways..
We could loot some chests – If we don’t care about aggroing next batch of bats, and about ‘adding overkill/maybemushie’, then Lara+Amad attack the Guardian, Ricky goes open the grate-door, and Cordy loots first chest. Or last chest.
But knowing the bats’ traits may help us decide for or against aggroing them, which influences T20 patrol, I think that’s worth scanning them.
Everyone: go to the room where the guards are about to enter. Be upfront with them and explain how this is all just over big misunderstanding and if they’d kindly let you pass, you’ll finish robbing them, blue up the compound, and be on your way.
I bet Bruce has better things to do than stand by those doors all the day long. This may work. Especially if we hand over Ricky to them. She’s on all the walls there, must be famous or something.