Dungeon 13 Turn 17


Amadeusz descends, pushes past the three canines, and opens the first chest. He finds a potion of holy resistance, which may be useful elsewhere. He narrowly avoids taking damage from three volleys of frost breath, likely due to his werewolf ability to intimidate other dogs.

Lara goes back up to the previous room.

Lara moves the displaced canister back to its previous position, then Cordy pulls the lever again. The machine hums, and the lever clicks back to its original position, but nothing seems to happen. Cordy then heads to the left.

Ricki climbs into the pipe and gets sucked inside by powerful pneumatic forces. She follows a track leading down and to the left.

The pipe spits Ricki out none too gently in a previously explored room. The clatter gets the attention of the nearby guards, possibly because they’re on the alert for things coming out of this pipe. She quickly uses her magic lens on the justiciar above, then climbs back into the pipe and flees back to the upper right room before she can get captured.


Def +5 against holy damage only for 5 turns when consumed.
Weight 1, Cost 15

HP: 15
Atk: 3, or 6 holy damage at range
Def: 3
Ability: Can impose -3 Atk and Def on one creature at range at a time until Supreme Justiciar is defeated, can grant +3 Atk and Def to self or one creature at range at a time until Supreme Justiciar is defeated, 30% chance to avoid any attack and provides light while flying, can’t miss, immune to holy damage
The highest rank of Justiciar, blessed to wield the Emperor’s power and granted authority over all other Imperial agents except for the Emperor himself, His personal retinue, and the Champions. They often take command of Guards in order to investigate unusual events or track down known criminals. Unless they have specific orders to do otherwise, they may give chase to fleeing opponents, along with any Guards they command.