Dungeon 12 Turn 6


Ricki breaks apart the second barricade, at which point Cordy and their mushroom attack the beaver on the other side. The large rodent takes some damage, but doesn’t die. It bites Cordy back, but deals no damage.

Amadeusz paddles across the water to Lara, and he hands her all of his oxymoss while confiscating her cigarettes. Lara then dives into the water and swims to the left.

However, as she descends below the surface, the group of skeletons turns and attacks her. The three fish bite at her, while the harpooners throw their weapons (which drift down and land on the floor afterwards). Despite the fact that the poisonous water activates her magical defense boosts, she barely escapes without taking any damage!

However, the poisonous water itself still takes a toll…

By the time she crosses the main shaft of the well and arrives in the next room over, Lara has taken 8 damage, leaving her with only a single HP remaining! Fortunately she is able to gobble a dose of oxymoss before the drowning kicks in.