Dungeon 11 Turn 5


While Macadamia retreats, the rest of the party engages the group of guards in combat. Kamau blocks all of their attacks, taking 5 damage in the process. The presence of an elite guard is making the others more effective, it seems. He makes a quick counterattack to take out the guard dog, which should make the fight easier next turn.

Ricki and Daisy attack the nearest guard, but aren’t quite able to take him out in a single combined strike.

At the elite’s direction, the messenger pigeon takes off. Amadeusz attempts to knock it out of the air, but his swing narrowly misses. The pigeon leaves the room.

A birthday cake appears over Ricki’s head and she quickly tucks it into her inventory before the guards can confiscate it.

Macadamia sees a bird fly past on his way up the ladder. It leaves the room to the left, but he can’t see how much farther it continues past that.

Mac finds a room with natural light and fresh air pouring in from somewhere up above. He also sees some giant bugs that seem to have found their way into the dungeon. He guesses these things are just gonna keep turning up everywhere.