Dungeon 11 Turn 20
Ricki, Macadamia, and Kamau trade some of their items around in preparation for the next fight. All the keys (2, 3, and 5) end up gathered in Golly’s pack. Before they can put their plans into motion, however, the entire party is shaken by a sudden rumble from below. A few seconds later, a muffled boom echoes into the upper levels of the dungeon.
It sounds like it came from the basement…
Plan: Ignore Impending Doom and Play With Dog
Kamau: Lead the attack on the top floor and perform the beefiest interpose you’ve ever interped. Wield the Imperial Heavy Shield for maximum defense. (20 Defense)
Ricki: Follow behind and attack the big Dire Dog with your Swiftblade. (9 damage)
Amadeusz: Join the combat, use your Siegesword on the Dire Dog. (9 damage)
Mac, Shroom and Daisy: With your powers combined, demolish that pigeon. (3 separate attacks)
This dumps 18 damage into the Dire Dog. The Dire Wolf (Enemies Page) takes 15 damage to kill in one go, so I’m assuming this is enough. The Dire Dog is the only unknown quantity in this combat. Once it’s gone, we can guarantee knockouts on all 3 guards in a single turn.
And for anyone worried about Kamau’s HP, on Discord we’ve calc’d that this group probably has 20-22 damage, which is brought down to 19-21 after Amadeusz’s debuff does its work. Kamau is at 20 defense right now. So unless there’s some invisible buffs we aren’t accounting for, we shouldn’t even have to worry about dauntless.
Plan: head to basement.
Kamau: avoid traps, move left. Move down
Ricki: point out ladder rung trap and pressure plate. Case very locked chest. Move left. Move down.
Mac: avoid traps, grab keys, move left. Move down.
Amad: avoid traps. Move left. Move down.
Start moving back to get eyes on basement.
Sadly Ricki could get further, but rats have most likely respawned and it is danger moving past them without looking first.
I do not want to ignore the basement anymore as it sounds like stuff is getting serious and we risk losing access to the potential new party member and the gold rings and stuff tools benches.
One of the captives in bottom left prison is attempting escape.
a possible new party member. Whom we will miss out on if we let him escape without our help to feel him indepted to us!!! (or die to Golem)
We gotta get there ASAP!
Realistically we don’t get to the contractors for 5 turns even if we do nothing but go there right now. There’s a Golem to fight between us and them and we can’t bypass it due to the area damage. This guard fight will take two turns, and I seriously seriously doubt getting there in 7 turns is any different than getting there in 5.
For context, we delayed going to see what was up with Botanya’s rumbling for like 20 turns and that ended up being just fine. I think taking two turns to finish this fight isn’t going to be the difference between getting a character or not. We could’ve been anywhere in the dungeon when this happened or already engaged in combat. If getting the new character was that rng we didn’t have a realistic shot at it anyway.
If it is an escape attempt, the party member timer is probably that golem doing 1 unblockable dmg each turn until he dies. My new theory is the party member is the smith guy escaping ironman style.