Dungeon 14 Turn 60


Ricki and Botanya break a chest to pieces and set the pieces on fire, just to watch them burn. Botanya then travels ones room to the right, while Ricki runs farther with Daisy’s help.

Kamau proceeds deeper into the dungeon and takes the two heavy bolts he finds there.

Ricki and the beautiful dwarven maiden arrive.

Macadamia and Golly somehow cross the precarious slackrope they’ve set up and open the chest on the other side of the gap. They find a potion of ultimate healing inside! That might be useful yet. They carefully cross back to the other side of the room.

Yet another terrifying roar echoes through the dungeon. It seems the tyrant lizard king is fed up with the pervasive scent of intruders in her dungeon. Sounds like she’s going to be a lot more aggressive from here on…


Restores 10 HP to any living creature when consumed.
Weight 1, Cost 25