Dungeon 14 Turn 52


The salveshell tortoise is so cute and so harmless that the entire party works together to flip it over on its back instead of attacking it again. Kamau then kicks it into the foreground where it can’t be interacted with ever again.

From the items that drop after the battle, Macadamia climbs down from the ledge to load a suit of dragon armour into Golly’s packs. Ricki claims a leathery set of mittens from the giant chameleon. These should be useful! Botanya picks up the dropped battleaxe and spear because she thinks they’re neat. She also uses her Nectar ability to restore 3 HP to Kamau.

Remaining on the floor are two silver rings of aggression, two silver rings of protection, and a heavy shield. The party also leaves behind a tyrant horn, the keys, a set of thieves’ tools, and a birthday cake somebody worked really hard on.


Def +3 against holy damage only. While worn, can be used to climb walls and ceilings when using an action to move. Once per dungeon you can use them to turn invisible as an action until the end of the turn.
Weight 1, Cost 50

Def +3, or Def +6 against holy damage.
Weight 3, Cost 30