Dungeon 14 Turn 11
Kamau moves to absorb any attacks from the pair of dragon tamers, though only the black-robed individual attempts to cause any harm; another black bolt is dodged, resulting in a lack of damage to the party. Ricki and Macadamia then move to defeat the pair of enemies.
Macadamia picks up four more rings, all copper, two of aggression and two of protection. He also takes the second tyrant horn, though not before the red-robed tamer blows on it again rather than fighting. Once again an answering call can be heard from below. Two heavy picks remain, as they are too heavy for anyone to carry at the moment.
Botanya walks past the scuffle and pulls on the lever. Ricki can see (and others can hear) that something changes in a lower chamber. It seems that two more levers may await somewhere within the deadly depths of the dank and dingy dungeon.
Plan: On towards the Miners
Ricki: Point out the two pressure plates to group and move up. Got in hole and open the chest. Drop Harpoon if you need space. Go back through hole after.
Mac: Smif the heavy pick from the floor with your gold ring. Swap your silver attack ring for your Gold Def ring. Avoid Traps and move up and Right (lower).
Botania: Avoid the traps. Move up and Action Move Right (lower).
Kamau: Avoid Traps. Move up and Action Move Right (lower). Move across floor, over hole and down ladder. Dont be surprised after you triggered 2 pressure plates.
Having Kamau trigger the traps so we dont need ricki to point them out (like if we send someone back to grab that lens or potions).
Idea next turn is for Kamau to engage Kobold miners (maybe with Botania standing nearby). Ricki and Mac can use other collar, pick up lens or whatever we want while we wait. Or we delay and have kamau start chugging potions…
Abandon dungeon. This is getting too dangerous and Sue might get hurt.