Intermission 13 Page 13
Ricki and the others spend a few weeks recuperating at home. Ix’s vocabulary improves, as does Botanya’s. Amadeusz remains missing, off doing whatever it is he does when he’s not with the party. Eventually, Paws stops by to say hello. Ricki fills him in on recent happenings.
“An elemental, huh…”
“Well, sounds like that sealing room is working so far. I’ll ask around and see if I can come up with any ways to improve it and help with that shifting problem.”
“Thanks, I appreciate it.”
“So, find any other dungeons for us?”
“Ricki, I’m afraid you’ve cleaned me out. I’ll keep an eye open, but—”
“Hang on. You’re not just saying that because you think it’s too dangerous for me, are you?”
“I know you were aware of the two places Amadeusz sent us to, but you didn’t tell me about them because the Empire was involved.”
“But the kind of independence I want us to build here, I know it’s gonna cost us. And there’s only one kind of place I know how to get that kind of money.”
“So if you know about any other dungeons we can reach, I need to hear about them.”
“Okay. Here’s what I’ve got…”
I dunno. I think we should trust Paws’ judgement here.