Dungeon 12 Turn 42

Cordy returns to the entrance room and starts sniping fish with the wand of venomous sting. Fortunately this room is built in such a way that they don’t even run the risk of being attacked in response.

Ricki loots the chest the frog was guarding. Inside she finds a magic staff with 3 charges remaining! It looks like it could be extremely useful in the rest of this dungeon.

Amadeusz picks up the wand of mend and heads to the right, then takes 1 damage from drowning. He’d like to also heal himself, but picking up and using the wand are both actions. He can pick it up and keep it, or use it and leave it on the ground, but can’t do both on the same turn.

Lara descends to the bottom of the well, aggravates the skeletons, then kills one of the crabs. Her mushroom attacks another crab, causing it to explode and die, which damages the remaining crabs but does nothing to the skeletons. A new mushroom spawns out of the dead crab. One of the skeletons breaks its sword on Lara’s helmet, which protects her from drowning.
…The helmet does, not the sword hitting her.
This staff can cause an air bubble to magically form around an ally (and their pet if they have one) at range. In addition to containing breathable air, this bubble provides +10 Def. The bubble lasts for up to 10 turns, but it bursts if the target is attacked or triggers a damaging trap. The bubble doesn’t prevent items from being picked up or traded, dungeon elements from being interacted with, etc. Can only be used once per dungeon.
Weight 1, Cost 8 per charge
Staff. Interesting. 3 charges, but can be only used once. I don’t think we’ve seen such mechanic before.
edit: oh, wrong, we saw it. StaffOfGravity worked the same way.
Ricki: drop the wand. I don’t see it being useful in our current situation.
Cordy: kill the last fish then go to your modeling gig. You earned it pal.
Lara: that poor skeleton is swordless now because of you. Give him your helmet as compensation or else he might sue you.
Amadeusz: go back up and heal yourself with the wand of mending then come back down to help Lara.
You mean the staff… The staff of amazing defense. The staff that will give us effectively a free round to check out the grab boss. The amazing staff designed entirely for underwater dungeons. That staff that you called a wand and said isn’t useful? Just to be sure?
Did you read his name?
The rest of his commands, if poorly worded, seemed sensible. Little hard to tell when someone is trolling when they don’t go 100% and commit to the bit.
I don’t see us ever coming across an underwater dungeon. It’s just such a situationallu useful item I don’t think we should waste the inventory space.
Ricki: Grab the Oxymoss, head left through both of the rat tunnels. End your turn in the air pocket.
Amadeusz: Head left back to the air pocket. Mend yourself.
Cordy: Sting the same Skelefish.
Lara: Head left and eat your new shroom.
Lara is leaving the remaining 2 Crabs to Ricki and Amy, who are prepping this turn and next turn before going down below. She can’t safely engage the left room yet, so she’s healing a bit by eating her Shroom. Cordy’s making a brand new shroom right now so she will have one again next turn.
Is it me or does that staff look like a giant q tip?
Whoa.A lot of things happened since 8 hours ago.