Dungeon 12 Turn 41
Cordy phases through the wall on the right.
No, wait, they went down the ladder and then back up on the other side of the room. Sorry.
Ricki squeezes through another narrow tunnel. The frog on the other side eats her little mushroom pet, but Ricki decides she’s absolutely done with these crawlspace fights and stabs it through the brain with her swiftblade. The mushroom explodes, spawning its replacement.
Lara swims up from the room below and destroys the egg sac. She takes 1 unblockable poison damage as it bursts.
Amadeusz destroys the egg sac on the lower-middle level. He too takes 1 unblockable poison damage.
Lara returns to where she started the turn.
Ricki: loot chest and oxymoss
Lara: grab a coin
Amad: heal Lara
Cordy: move left and sting a fish.
More prep.
Is spawning Minishrooms from kills a roundabout way of healing Cordy?Is that the plan here?
Also wow,you commented like 3 seconds after I put in MY comment.
No reason not to have Ricki go down to the Mend Pile afterwards. Even if she isn’t able to loot both at once, it’ll take the same amount of turns to go back for it as it would to go down next turn
Annoyingly,we can’t loot the chest & grab the Oxymoss on the same turn.
Also,we should SERIOUSLY heal Cordy & Amy.
Ricki: Loot the chest.
Lara: Move right, then down. Run around the armored skeletons, then kill a crab.
Amadeusz: Pick up the wand of mend and heal yourself with it. Head right and drown.
Cordy: Head left, sting a Skeletal Fish.
Get started on the bottom floor. Future turns plan in comment below.
Ricki: Get Moss, leave the rat tunnels and chill in the air pocket by the full helmet.
Lara: Run around skeletons, Kill crab. 3 Dive Helmet remaining.
Amy: Head down. Kill crab. Loot all the meat. 1 hp remaining.
Cordy: Sting Fish.
Ricki: Loot helmet, leaving behind thief tools if needing room. Right, down. 2 Oxymoss remaining.
Lara: Left, slaughter Blowfish, have shroom help maybe save 1 hp, get air. 1-2 hp remaining.
Amadeusz: Left, eat meat. Don’t go anywhere near the blowfish. Drown. 3 hp remaining.
Cordy: Sting Fish.
Ricki: Left, swim over to the gang and Swiftblade Frog 2. Have Shroom help. Get air.
Lara: Slaughter frog 1. Get air.
Amy: Help Ricki kill Frog 2. 2 hp remaining. Get air.
Cordy: Sting Fish.
Less confident on the turn 45 plan since it has people low on hp, but from here we can heal up a bit to deal with the final blowfish/poison source/chest or the Giant Enemy Crab. I’m on the fence on whether or not to stay past turn 50, since that will likely bring complications.
We can heal up any drowning dmg right now but not during the boss fight. We should save the helmet for now
Sick’s plan but with Lara’s mushie attacking juuuust in case the crabs got to hide again for another ambush while we left them alone. We’ll get another mushie back from dead crab so this is free.
Ricki: Loot the chest.
Lara: Move right, then down. Run around the armored skeletons, then kill a crab.
Lara’s mushie: Attack a different crab than Lara.
Amadeusz: Pick up the wand of mend and heal yourself with it. Head right and drown.
Cordy: Head left, sting a Skeletal Fish.
Ricki: Use your lockpicks to lock that chest. There might be something dangerous in there and you don’t want some kid stumbling upon it. Honestly, there oughta be a law…
Cordy: keep on moving up and left. You have to get to that modelling gig. Your friends will be fine.
Amadeusz: play a fun little tune.
Lara: dance to the fun little tune