Dungeon 11 Turn 18
Ricki picks up the keys the golem had been guarding, seeing a number 3 on their tag. That should open the door near the entrance, if she remembers right, which she does because it’s being remembered for her in the game text. She adds this new key to the ring for key 2. Kamau loots the nearby chest and finds a special shield inside which offers special protection against ranged attacks.
Meanwhile, Amadeusz reads the note near the locked door.
“The tower is limited to guards with the highest level security access.”
Acting on a hunch based on the contents of this note, Macadamia tries his number 5 key, which works! The door swings open, granting access to the room beyond.
Def +1, or Def +5 against ranged attacks.
Weight 1, Cost 25
Niiiice shield.
Plan: notes and keys
Ricki: move right, point out traps (ladder wrung, pressure plate at bottom of ladder) and grab keys.
Kamau: move right. Avoid traps. Read first note
Amad: move right. Avoid traps. Read second note
Mac: move right. Avoid traps. Read third note
Reasoning: next turn, we will most likely begin our return towards basement and flip the other 2 levers on our way there. We will be coming back up here with bombs and can deal with last group of guards then. We can flip lever and loot chest as part of our movement next turn. HOWEVER, the contents of the notes may change our plans so better to know now before we start heading back.
Ricki is grabbing keys since hers is the only valid keyring. We can try to get it on mac at some point but it’s best not to have keys filling up enc spots
Wait. We don’t know if ladder rung trap is avoidable at all! Best to take it easy and test it with just Amadeusz, who has a safe pet, first.
Given that characters can pull themselves up on a chest or table without issue, I am assuming that can skip a rung on a ladder without a problem. While nothing is 100% certain, I do think it is VERY unlikely it is unavoidable.
Apologies for the double post. I got locked out of editing previous.
Changed actions so Mac is looting and Ricki is reading. Chest content more valuable to know than grabbing keys we can’t use anytime soon
Plan: notes and keys
Ricki: move right, point out traps (ladder rung, pressure plate at bottom of ladder) and read third note.
Kamau: move right. Avoid traps. Read first note
Amad: move right. Avoid traps. Read second note
Mac: move right. Swap chain with leather from Golly, avoid traps. Loot unlocked chest
Reasoning: next turn, we will most likely begin our return towards basement and flip the other 2 levers on our way there. We will be coming back up here with bombs and can deal with last group of guards then. We can flip lever and grab keys as part of our movement next turn. HOWEVER, the contents of the notes may change our plans so better to know now before we start heading back.
Let’s deal with these guards while we’re here. They’re tough so we’ll take some time to prepare.
Mac: stash chain and shield on Golly, instead take bow and arrows. Trade with Kamau
Kamau: swap rings with Mac, also give him golem core
Ricki: point out ladder rung and pressure plate underneath it. Read the first note
Ama: avoid traps, read second note
Plan on next two turns:
T+1: Kamau: eat candy, Mac: mend Ricki: read note Ama: see what’s inside the chest
T+2: Kamau: interpose Ricki+Ama: defeat axe guard, Daisy, Molly, Mushroom, Mac: aim for pidgeon (can try ranged for Mac)
Kamau gets 18 def and 5 hp. It is enough to survive the attack without triggering dauntless even if dog has 6 atk and gives atk buff, so realistically he’ll have enough hp left for the next room.