Dungeon 9 Turn 5


While Ricki and Botanya split up to do other stuff, Kamau covers Botanya from arrow fire while she inspects the two pots on the ground. If she had more cultural context, she would probably assume they were burial urns of some sort, containing remains and perhaps some small valuables intended as an offering to some god. She would further posit that although whatever body parts were stored inside have likely shrivelled away to nothing by now, any precious metals would be just as good as the day they were sealed inside.

But Botanya doesn’t know any of those things. All she knows is that she could totally smash both these pots right now if she felt like it.

Ricki finishes off the last skeleton in the upper room.

Lara takes the pick from the poor dead kobold lying on the ground. She wonders what they might have been trying to do. Mac would probably have a better idea, if only he were here. Lara wonders what he’s doing right now…

(You don’t get to see what she’s imagining.)

Botanya explores a new room to the right. Nothing of note here, as far as she can tell.