Dungeon 5 Turn 29


Ricki quickly darts past the justiciar to retrieve the items she left in the hallway. She picks up her wolf hide armour and shield just in time to defend herself against two heavily armed guards who arrive in the room and both take a swing at her. She is only barely able to avoid taking damage.

Ricki runs back to her friends in the room to the right.

Kamau continues to interpose himself between the justiciar and the rest of the party as Ricki runs past again, but the justiciar doesn’t seem interested in attacking. He does seem to recognize Kamau, though.

“The traitor? Here?”

“…So be it. May the Emperor condemn you however many times it takes to stick.”

Kamau feels the crushing weight of the Emperor’s power upon him, similar to the wanted poster. He now has a -2 penalty to Atk and Def.

Lara descends from the room above, having discarded her torch and meat in favour of a longword and leather armour. She offers these to Macadamia, who scrambled away from the fight brewing below to cower with the little girl, but it seems the kobold isn’t in a fit state right now to join the fight. He also doesn’t seem able to coherently answer questions (and the little girl doesn’t seem to know anything useful). Maybe if he’s away from combat he’ll be better able to help.

Lara offers to swap armour with Ricki, but she can’t because Ricki has already used her armour this turn. So instead she just kills one of the hanging bats with her ranged spell. Kamau draws the ire of the remaining bats, but he takes no damage.

Ricki opens up the puzzle chest. Inside she finds a pretty neat sword, but she doesn’t have any inventory space to pick it up.


Atk +2, target’s rusty items are twice as likely to break this turn. 30% chance to deal +3 damage and become a Broken Oxidicer.
Weight 1, Cost 12