In case the readable text was too easy to read, I have taken it upon myself to make it more difficult for those looking for a challenge. You’re welcome.
Wow, this is awesome, it is just as difficult to read on my big desk monitor as it is on my phone! Thank you so much for taking time out of your busy day to provide this valuable service for those of us who are disappointed with pages that lack difficult to read text!
Now if you would only include some witty interpretations like Spider Minstrel does this would be perfect, since as it is you have only included the text that the Guard said which makes it far too easy to just skip reading your Comment!
Thank you again for all of your effort and your valuable contributions to this community! I look forward to seeing more posts by you, Anonymous Fire Hydrant.
When the Guard patrol shows up on Turn 40 (or whatever), I vote that one of our characters shouts something like, “Bruce, you don’t have to do this, we’ll double what we gave you and include a bottle of Imperial Reserve Brandy!”
[Yeah, I know that attempting bribery, deception, social attacks or social interaction in general with characters who were not intended to have social interaction with the party historically doesn’t work, nor does attempting to recruit characters that are not intentionally recruitable, but maybe it will create discord among the Guards, get Bruce in trouble, and/or we do have an open slot for another party member since one of the intentionally recruitable characters got killed, so perhaps now we might actually be able to recruit someone who wasn’t intended for that purpose (yeah, my first thought about that is “fat chance”). This is partially just to get people thinking of what we might be able to do with the fact that we know a Guard’s name.]
I don’t think so. I think “Bruce” is just customary interjection or a swear, like, “god” or “gosh” or “jesus”. “Bruce” just doesn’t fit. All enemy soldiers are always “Mike”. That’s a fact!
5 months ago
Looking at this page makes me think that if we were actually allowed to do more creative things I could see some potential uses of getting a particular Manor renovation.
He’s not a drunk, he’s a devout of the God of Revelry! Provides +1 Labour and a variety of alcohol for Paws to sell.
Cost 15 (reduced to 12)
I copied what Amadeusz looks like right now on the Characters page. Hopefully this will make it easier for someone going back over the dungeon in the future to figure out what happened in it.
AMADEUSZ Cursed Bard
[picture of Amadeusz]
HP: 12red + 2orange
Atk: 9 (2grey + 2red + 3purple + 2white)
Def: 9 (2grey + 1purple + 4yellow + 2white)
Mov: 1
ITEMS [9 slots]: zingandthrum[1] , fullhelmet[2] , heavygreaves[1] , heavygauntlets[1] , wondofmend[1] , rawmeat3[1] , rawmeat3[1] , empty[1]
RINGS: silverringofprotection , silverringofaggression
Pet: Golly ABILITIES Dual Wield: Can benefit from a weapon in each hand. Hurtful Dirge ♪: Deals 1 unblockable damage to every living enemy creature in the room. Minimum Acceptable Level of Comfort: Gain +1 bonus HP at the start of each dungeon per primary manor room renovated. Musical II: Can use three ♪ abilities per dungeon if holding an instrument. Old Friends: Always carries Zing and Thrum and will not drop or trade them. Pack Leader: Allied canines in the room have +1 Atk, while enemy canines in the room have -1 Atk. Requiem of Resurrection ♪: Revives a dead ally in the same room with 1 HP. Counts as three ♪ uses. Used automatically if Ricki dies, if possible. Shapeshift I ▧▨: Can transform into werewolf form and back once per dungeon each. Werewolf form has +3 Atk and +1 Def, but cannot use weapons, shields, armour, or Musical abilities. Can choose which form to take at the start of a dungeon. Sketchy: Prevents accumulation of bond with other characters when taken to a dungeon. Spored: Counts as a mushroom. Tooth And Nail I: Each empty hand counts as a +1 Atk weapon while in werewolf form. BOND
Here are the descriptions of the Items he is entering this dungeon with:
Atk +2 per hand used to wield these matching swords. As an action, can transform the blades into an instrument.
Weight 1, Cost –
Can be played to give all nearby allies +1 Def, or +2 Def if used as part of a Musical ability. As an action, can transform the violin into a weapon.
Weight 1, Cost –
HELMET, FULL Accessory
Def +2.
Weight 2, Cost 24
Def +1.
Weight 1, Cost 14
Def +1.
Weight 1, Cost 14
Can heal 1 HP to a nearby ally that has 3 current HP or less.
Weight 1, Cost 35
RAW MEAT Consumable
Carnivorous beasts can eat it to recover 3 HP, but other creatures can’t digest it well.
Weight 1 (Stack 3), Cost 2
I copied what Cordy looks like right now on the Characters page.
CORDY Disconcerting Fungus
[picture of SECRETCHARACTER2.png?resize=300%2C300&ssl=1
HP: 10red
Atk: 7 (2grey + 1purple + 4white)
Def: 5 (2grey + 1purple + 2yellow)
Mov: 1
ITEMS [6 slots]: wandofvenomoussting[1] , purse[1] , fullhelmet[2] , midasgloves[1] , potionbandolier[1]
RINGS: silverringofaggression , silverringofaggression
purse: <empty>
potion bandolier: potionofectoplasm
Pet: Mushroom 35 (Medium Mushroom) ABILITIES Fungal Friends: After finishing a dungeon, all other surviving characters permanently gain the Spored ability, allowing them to benefit from Mushroom pets’ Fungal Family ability. Fungus Among Us: Can sacrifice 3 HP in place of taking another action in order to create a new Little Mushroom pet. Infestation: After killing an organic creature with poison damage, a Little Mushroom pet is created from that enemy’s remains. The pet can be kept or assigned to an ally who has no pet. Mushroom Master III: Can have 4 additional pets, but can only have Mushrooms as pets. Spore Touch I: Can sacrifice 1 HP when attacking to deal +1-2 poison damage. Steel Is Weak, Fungus Is Strong: Cannot use any weapons, shields, or armours.
Here are the descriptions of the Items they are entering this dungeon with:
Deals 2 poison damage at range.
Weight 1, Cost 30
Can hold 3 Enc worth of Gold Coins only.
Weight 1, Cost 5
HELMET, FULL Accessory
Def +2.
Weight 2, Cost 24
Wielded gold weapons gain +2 Atk and have no break chance. Also, once per dungeon when you defeat or help defeat an enemy, a number of Gold Coins equal to the enemy’s maximum HP drops. Attempting to use this ability but failing to defeat an enemy doesn’t expend the ability.
Weight 1, Cost 40
Can hold 3 Enc worth of potions only.
Weight 1, Cost 8
Restores 5 HP to any creature when consumed, but reduces the maximum HP of living creatures by 2 until the end of the dungeon.
Weight 1, Cost 12
RICKI Optimistic Thief
[picture of Ricki]
HP: 7red
Atk: 8 (1grey + 4red + 3white)
Def: 7 (1grey + 3blue + 2green + 1purple) (50% evasion)
Mov: 2
ITEMS [11 slots]: swiftbladeSHOCKING[1] , hidearmourbat[2] , magmashield[2] , torch[1] , thievestools[1] , thievestools[1] , magiclens[1] , magiclens[1] , empty<will be another thievestools on Turn 0>[1]
Pet: <none> ABILITIES Always Prepared: Starts each dungeon with one Thieves’ Tools if able to carry it. Big Haul III: +6 Enc. Careful Thief: 50% chance not to expend Thieves’ Tools when used. Case [case]: As an action can identify all items an enemy in the same room carries, even if some items are not visible. Once per dungeon can identify contents of a nearby chest without opening it. Dash: +1 Mov. Dodgy II: Incoming attacks have a 20% chance to miss. Dungeon Eyes: Can see the full room while in a dungeon, as well as party’s stats and abilities. Grit [grit]: Once per dungeon can recover 3 HP in place of taking another action. The amount recovered increases by 1 for every two characters with full bond, even if they’re not in the dungeon. Nearby allies can use their action at the same time to recover 3 HP. Light Armour Proficiency: +1 Def when wearing armour with a base Def bonus of +2 or less. Lockpicking: Can expend Thieves’ Tools to open regular locks. Small: Can be lifted by other characters and enter small openings, but can’t reach high places without help. Spored: Counts as a mushroom. Trap Detection II: Can spot well hidden traps and point them out to allies. Trap Disarming: Can expend Thieves’ Tools to render traps harmless, even if they can’t normally be circumvented.
Here are the descriptions of the Items she is entering this dungeon with:
Atk +1. Deals extra damage equal to wielder’s Mov.
Weight 1, Cost 25
SHOCKING Enhancement
Applies to weapons and ranged weapons. Grants +1 lightning damage.
Cost +6
Def +2. As an action can use echolocation to identify roosting bats at range without activating them.
Weight 2, Cost 20
Def +3, or Def +6 against fire.
Weight 2, Cost 37
TORCH Weapon
Atk +1, deals fire damage and provides light. Extinguished and destroyed automatically after being dropped, thrown, or doused. 10% chance to go out each time it is used to attack.
Weight 1, Cost 2
Can be used by a skilled thief to open locks or disable traps. Expended when used.
Weight 1, Cost 5
MAGIC LENS Consumable
Use on an enemy at range to learn their stats. Someone who can see enemies through walls can use this item through walls as well.
Weight 1, Cost 10
This is information is on the “Characters” page and will remain there until we leave for dungeon 13. Only “Current party” page is updated during the dungeons.
I know. This information is for the benefit of someone reading this a year in the future when we’re on dungeon 14+ six months from now, not for while we are playing dungeon 13.
I have recently been going back through the old dungeons and it is very difficult to figure out the math of what happened on any particular Turn because you have to figure out what the various character’s Stats, Abilities and Items were in that dungeon and all of that stuff changes over time. Having snapshots of what the characters looked like when they entered the dungeon is for the benefit of people looking back through the Archive after we’ve already finished playing dungeon 13.
Yeah, I thought about that… however Kamau’s Hilt has changed Stats over time so I decided to just go for overkill and copy all of the items as well. They were easy to copy… well except for the item related to Lara’s habit which the spam filter doesn’t seem to like.
In retrospect, as we learned during this dungeon (D13), if a character dies they are immediately removed from BOTH the “Characters” page and the “Current party” page. So as it turns out these records saved in the Comments are the only way to see what a character looked like when they’re dead.
LARA NE Ricki’s Girlfriend
[picture of drider Lara]
HP: 13red
Atk: 13 (3grey + 7red + 1green + 2white)
Def: 4 (21grey + 1yellow + 2white)
Mov: 2
ITEMS [10 slots]: siegeswordVENOMOUS[2] , helmet[1] , magiclens[1] , golemcorebomb[1] , rope[1] , empty[4]
RINGS: silverringofprotection , silverringofaggression
Pet: <none> ABILITIES Addicted: Starts each dungeon with one Pack of Cigarettes if able to carry it. Drider Curse: +3 HP, +1 Atk, +1 Def, +1 Mov. Can climb on walls and ceilings, and can carry one Small ally. Can no longer use ⯃ abilities. Cannot use footwear. It Can’t Get Any Worse ⬡: Once per dungeon can sacrifice 5 HP to use a ⯃ ability. Make It Count: After using a ⯃ ability, gain +2 Atk for the remainder of the dungeon. Night Eyes: +1 Atk in rooms with no light. Poison Proficiency: +1 damage when dealing poison damage Poison Resistance III: +6 Def against poison. Skeptic: -1 Def when wielding or wearing an item associated with a god. Spored: Counts as a mushroom. Subdue Spider ⯃: Causes one enemy spider in the room to become a pet for the remainder of the dungeon if possible, otherwise it merely becomes docile. Venomous Barrage ⯃: Makes a ranged attack that deals 8 poison damage. Venomous Sting I: Makes a ranged attack that deals 2 poison damage. Web Binding ⯃: Makes a ranged attack against one enemy that gives it -3 to Atk and Def. This penalty is reduced by 1 at the end of each turn. Web Walls ⯃: Covers all walls of the current room with webs, allowing allies to climb them and reach any location regardless of height. Lasts for the duration of the dungeon. BOND
VENOMOUS Enhancement
Applies to weapons and ranged weapons. Grants +1 poison damage.
Cost +6
HELMET Accessory
Def +1.
Weight 1, Cost 16
MAGIC LENS Consumable
Use on an enemy at range to learn their stats. Someone who can see enemies through walls can use this item through walls as well.
Weight 1, Cost 10
Can be dropped somewhere and then detonated with fire, dealing 10 holy damage to anything near it. Can destroy various dungeon elements, but not walls or floors.
Weight 1, Value 30
Can be used in a variety of situations, primarily to reach high or low places.
Weight 1, Cost 8
PACK OF CIG’s Consumable
Can be used as part of any other action to take 1 unblockable damage and gain +2 Atk until the end of the turn. An Addicted character has a 10% chance each turn to smoke without being prompted if they haven’t done so yet in the current dungeon. A character who is not Addicted has a 10% chance to become Addicted when smoking. Has a 50% chance not to be expended when used.
Weight 1, Cost 6
MUSHROOM 35 Medium Mushroom
HP: 4red + 1orange
Atk: 2
Def: 1 ABILITIES Edible: Can be sacrificed by a living owner in order to restore owner’s HP by half of remaining HP. Death Spores: When killed by an attack, deals 1 unblockable area poison damage to all nonmushrooms. If one or more organic creatures are killed by this damage, a new Little Mushroom is created. Fungal Family: +1 Atk and Def for owner if owner is a mushroom. Grow: Upon surviving a dungeon, grows into a Big Mushroom. Small: Can be lifted by other characters and enter small openings, but can’t reach high places without help.
GOLLY Pack Mule 2
HP: 5red + 1orange
Atk: 0
Def: 0
ITEMS [5 slots]: upgradepress[1(3)] , chainarmour[1(3)] , chainarmour[1(3)] , empty[2] ABILITIES Distributed Weight: Carried items always have a weight of 1. Handy Packs: Can trade items freely with owner, requiring no action from them. Kick: Once per dungeon, can make an attack with +3 Atk. Smallish: Can be lifted by other characters and enter small openings, and can still reach high places like a regular size character.
Here are the Items that Golly is carrying at the start of the adventure:
Once per dungeon can combine two identical weapons, shields, or armours to create a superior version.
Weight 3, Cost 100
In case the readable text was too easy to read, I have taken it upon myself to make it more difficult for those looking for a challenge. You’re welcome.
̵̹͔̪̗͒͗̒͒ͅ“̷̡̜͍̱͚͉͖̋̊̍ͅB̴̧̟̥͕̥̭̳̾̚ṛ̴̮̰͍̥͈̤͖͂̔̎̄̔͐̄͘ṷ̸͋͐̓͒̽͒̆ͅc̶̡͚͓̖̣͙͍̯̊͂̎̆͋̓͘͝ḛ̵̈́͋̎̌̓́͗̚ ̴̡͕̬̬͓̜̖̅́̈́͂͜Į̷̛͎̮̲̏̉̅͜ ̷͔̘̖̮̗̼̌̊̐͒s̸̻̲͔̭̥̊͐́͘ͅẅ̷̡̢̩͉̮̣͖̲́͐ę̶̭͇̠͌̂̊̎͛̋͘͝a̵̲̒̈̔̋͗͑͛̕͜r̶̲̅̉̈́̒͝ ̸͈̠̇̒Ï̶̟͈̪̂̈́̂’̷̛̩͎͇͚̱̭̯̮̓̚m̵̞̩̼̃͠ ̷̋́̃̂̚͘͜͝g̸͈̫͈͔̓ổ̴̼̠͗̐̑̄͘n̷̡̹̩̫͚͆͆́̐͐̄̌n̵̥̞͉͍̰͕͒̈́́̓͊͌͌́ȁ̷̭̖̥̳͎̤͚̆̐̈́̀͘͜ ̷̺̝̖̭̯͋k̶̩̘͖͈͚͗̌́̋̈́͘͜͠͝i̶̯̺͚̹͉͑͛̿̿͋͆l̵̩͍̋͂̑́͜͠l̵̠̞̻̟͕̏ ̶̯̈́̅̀̌̾̅̋͠y̸̛̘̮̝̯̖͎̜͊̀̊͐͋o̶̺͓̫͍͋ụ̴̱̝̺̩̣͍̈́́̑͐ ̸̡̡̲̻̙̘̺̉̑ḏ̶̮̫̀e̴̢̹͔̝̪̩̅͊̑̀͠a̵̮̰̓͊̃̐̑͝d̵̬̺͉̣̈́.̵̫̖͉͇̥̬̼̈́̽͑̂̏̓”̶̖̹̭͙͗̃̓,̴̰̻͕̪͎̝͙̅ͅ
This is super chiz chiz.
Wow, this is awesome, it is just as difficult to read on my big desk monitor as it is on my phone! Thank you so much for taking time out of your busy day to provide this valuable service for those of us who are disappointed with pages that lack difficult to read text!
Now if you would only include some witty interpretations like Spider Minstrel does this would be perfect, since as it is you have only included the text that the Guard said which makes it far too easy to just skip reading your Comment!
Thank you again for all of your effort and your valuable contributions to this community! I look forward to seeing more posts by you, Anonymous Fire Hydrant.
Now if you would only include some
witty interpretationsstupid jokesFixed!
Guys,I think Spider was kidnapped & replaced.
Looks like Turn 0 is starting next! Looking forward to a non-poison well dungeon, Yay!
On this page we learn that some Guards actually have names!
Can we name the Guard that is speaking?
I vote we call him “Fritz”.
Nah, he’s obviously “Mike”.
Is there a reason or reference for “Mike”?
“Fritz” is a reference to a scene from the 1977 animated movie “Wizards”
When the Guard patrol shows up on Turn 40 (or whatever), I vote that one of our characters shouts something like, “Bruce, you don’t have to do this, we’ll double what we gave you and include a bottle of Imperial Reserve Brandy!”
[Yeah, I know that attempting bribery, deception, social attacks or social interaction in general with characters who were not intended to have social interaction with the party historically doesn’t work, nor does attempting to recruit characters that are not intentionally recruitable, but maybe it will create discord among the Guards, get Bruce in trouble, and/or we do have an open slot for another party member since one of the intentionally recruitable characters got killed, so perhaps now we might actually be able to recruit someone who wasn’t intended for that purpose (yeah, my first thought about that is “fat chance”). This is partially just to get people thinking of what we might be able to do with the fact that we know a Guard’s name.]
I *LOVE* that idea 😀
They’re ALL named Bruce.
I don’t think so. I think “Bruce” is just customary interjection or a swear, like, “god” or “gosh” or “jesus”. “Bruce” just doesn’t fit. All enemy soldiers are always “Mike”. That’s a fact!
Looking at this page makes me think that if we were actually allowed to do more creative things I could see some potential uses of getting a particular Manor renovation.
He’s not a drunk, he’s a devout of the God of Revelry! Provides +1 Labour and a variety of alcohol for Paws to sell.
Cost 15 (reduced to 12)
It is my sincere belief that Shack with Still holds a Whisky that can make Kamau immune to Remorse gain for 5 turns.
(Kamau) – *buuuuuu~…”
(Ricky) – Here, here, have another bottle
Hey it really is the same guards from the outpost! xD
Bruce slurped the forbidden jello.
I’m going to try to make a record of what all of the characters looked like when this Page was posted (probably just prior to Turn 0).
I copied what Amadeusz looks like right now on the Characters page. Hopefully this will make it easier for someone going back over the dungeon in the future to figure out what happened in it.
Cursed Bard
[picture of Amadeusz]
HP: 12red + 2orange
Atk: 9 (2grey + 2red + 3purple + 2white)
Def: 9 (2grey + 1purple + 4yellow + 2white)
Mov: 1
ITEMS [9 slots]: zingandthrum[1] , fullhelmet[2] , heavygreaves[1] , heavygauntlets[1] , wondofmend[1] , rawmeat3[1] , rawmeat3[1] , empty[1]
RINGS: silverringofprotection , silverringofaggression
Pet: Golly
Dual Wield: Can benefit from a weapon in each hand.
Hurtful Dirge ♪: Deals 1 unblockable damage to every living enemy creature in the room.
Minimum Acceptable Level of Comfort: Gain +1 bonus HP at the start of each dungeon per primary manor room renovated.
Musical II: Can use three ♪ abilities per dungeon if holding an instrument.
Old Friends: Always carries Zing and Thrum and will not drop or trade them.
Pack Leader: Allied canines in the room have +1 Atk, while enemy canines in the room have -1 Atk.
Requiem of Resurrection ♪: Revives a dead ally in the same room with 1 HP. Counts as three ♪ uses. Used automatically if Ricki dies, if possible.
Shapeshift I ▧▨: Can transform into werewolf form and back once per dungeon each. Werewolf form has +3 Atk and +1 Def, but cannot use weapons, shields, armour, or Musical abilities. Can choose which form to take at the start of a dungeon.
Sketchy: Prevents accumulation of bond with other characters when taken to a dungeon.
Spored: Counts as a mushroom.
Tooth And Nail I: Each empty hand counts as a +1 Atk weapon while in werewolf form.
Here are the descriptions of the Items he is entering this dungeon with:
Atk +2 per hand used to wield these matching swords. As an action, can transform the blades into an instrument.
Weight 1, Cost –
Can be played to give all nearby allies +1 Def, or +2 Def if used as part of a Musical ability. As an action, can transform the violin into a weapon.
Weight 1, Cost –
Def +2.
Weight 2, Cost 24
Def +1.
Weight 1, Cost 14
Def +1.
Weight 1, Cost 14
Can heal 1 HP to a nearby ally that has 3 current HP or less.
Weight 1, Cost 35
Carnivorous beasts can eat it to recover 3 HP, but other creatures can’t digest it well.
Weight 1 (Stack 3), Cost 2
I copied what Cordy looks like right now on the Characters page.
Disconcerting Fungus
[picture of SECRETCHARACTER2.png?resize=300%2C300&ssl=1
HP: 10red
Atk: 7 (2grey + 1purple + 4white)
Def: 5 (2grey + 1purple + 2yellow)
Mov: 1
ITEMS [6 slots]: wandofvenomoussting[1] , purse[1] , fullhelmet[2] , midasgloves[1] , potionbandolier[1]
RINGS: silverringofaggression , silverringofaggression
purse: <empty>
potion bandolier: potionofectoplasm
Pet: Mushroom 35 (Medium Mushroom)
Fungal Friends: After finishing a dungeon, all other surviving characters permanently gain the Spored ability, allowing them to benefit from Mushroom pets’ Fungal Family ability.
Fungus Among Us: Can sacrifice 3 HP in place of taking another action in order to create a new Little Mushroom pet.
Infestation: After killing an organic creature with poison damage, a Little Mushroom pet is created from that enemy’s remains. The pet can be kept or assigned to an ally who has no pet.
Mushroom Master III: Can have 4 additional pets, but can only have Mushrooms as pets.
Spore Touch I: Can sacrifice 1 HP when attacking to deal +1-2 poison damage.
Steel Is Weak, Fungus Is Strong: Cannot use any weapons, shields, or armours.
Here are the descriptions of the Items they are entering this dungeon with:
Deals 2 poison damage at range.
Weight 1, Cost 30
Can hold 3 Enc worth of Gold Coins only.
Weight 1, Cost 5
Def +2.
Weight 2, Cost 24
Wielded gold weapons gain +2 Atk and have no break chance. Also, once per dungeon when you defeat or help defeat an enemy, a number of Gold Coins equal to the enemy’s maximum HP drops. Attempting to use this ability but failing to defeat an enemy doesn’t expend the ability.
Weight 1, Cost 40
Can hold 3 Enc worth of potions only.
Weight 1, Cost 8
Restores 5 HP to any creature when consumed, but reduces the maximum HP of living creatures by 2 until the end of the dungeon.
Weight 1, Cost 12
Here is what Ricki looks like right now:
Optimistic Thief
[picture of Ricki]
HP: 7red
Atk: 8 (1grey + 4red + 3white)
Def: 7 (1grey + 3blue + 2green + 1purple) (50% evasion)
Mov: 2
ITEMS [11 slots]: swiftbladeSHOCKING[1] , hidearmourbat[2] , magmashield[2] , torch[1] , thievestools[1] , thievestools[1] , magiclens[1] , magiclens[1] , empty<will be another thievestools on Turn 0>[1]
Pet: <none>
Always Prepared: Starts each dungeon with one Thieves’ Tools if able to carry it.
Big Haul III: +6 Enc.
Careful Thief: 50% chance not to expend Thieves’ Tools when used.
Case [case]: As an action can identify all items an enemy in the same room carries, even if some items are not visible. Once per dungeon can identify contents of a nearby chest without opening it.
Dash: +1 Mov.
Dodgy II: Incoming attacks have a 20% chance to miss.
Dungeon Eyes: Can see the full room while in a dungeon, as well as party’s stats and abilities.
Grit [grit]: Once per dungeon can recover 3 HP in place of taking another action. The amount recovered increases by 1 for every two characters with full bond, even if they’re not in the dungeon. Nearby allies can use their action at the same time to recover 3 HP.
Light Armour Proficiency: +1 Def when wearing armour with a base Def bonus of +2 or less.
Lockpicking: Can expend Thieves’ Tools to open regular locks.
Small: Can be lifted by other characters and enter small openings, but can’t reach high places without help.
Spored: Counts as a mushroom.
Trap Detection II: Can spot well hidden traps and point them out to allies.
Trap Disarming: Can expend Thieves’ Tools to render traps harmless, even if they can’t normally be circumvented.
Here are the descriptions of the Items she is entering this dungeon with:
Atk +1. Deals extra damage equal to wielder’s Mov.
Weight 1, Cost 25
Applies to weapons and ranged weapons. Grants +1 lightning damage.
Cost +6
Def +2. As an action can use echolocation to identify roosting bats at range without activating them.
Weight 2, Cost 20
Def +3, or Def +6 against fire.
Weight 2, Cost 37
Atk +1, deals fire damage and provides light. Extinguished and destroyed automatically after being dropped, thrown, or doused. 10% chance to go out each time it is used to attack.
Weight 1, Cost 2
Can be used by a skilled thief to open locks or disable traps. Expended when used.
Weight 1, Cost 5
Use on an enemy at range to learn their stats. Someone who can see enemies through walls can use this item through walls as well.
Weight 1, Cost 10
This is information is on the “Characters” page and will remain there until we leave for dungeon 13. Only “Current party” page is updated during the dungeons.
I know. This information is for the benefit of someone reading this a year in the future when we’re on dungeon 14+ six months from now, not for while we are playing dungeon 13.
I have recently been going back through the old dungeons and it is very difficult to figure out the math of what happened on any particular Turn because you have to figure out what the various character’s Stats, Abilities and Items were in that dungeon and all of that stuff changes over time. Having snapshots of what the characters looked like when they entered the dungeon is for the benefit of people looking back through the Archive after we’ve already finished playing dungeon 13.
I copied this info from (on 23-July-2024)
I tried twice to post Lara Ne but the spam filter doesn’t like her.
I can see this being helpful, though adding all the item descriptions is a bit much. We got a page that has all that info.
Yeah, I thought about that… however Kamau’s Hilt has changed Stats over time so I decided to just go for overkill and copy all of the items as well. They were easy to copy… well except for the item related to Lara’s habit which the spam filter doesn’t seem to like.
In retrospect, as we learned during this dungeon (D13), if a character dies they are immediately removed from BOTH the “Characters” page and the “Current party” page. So as it turns out these records saved in the Comments are the only way to see what a character looked like when they’re dead.
Ricki’s Girlfriend
[picture of drider Lara]
HP: 13red
Atk: 13 (3grey + 7red + 1green + 2white)
Def: 4 (
21grey + 1yellow + 2white)Mov: 2
ITEMS [10 slots]: siegeswordVENOMOUS[2] , helmet[1] , magiclens[1] , golemcorebomb[1] , rope[1] , empty[4]
RINGS: silverringofprotection , silverringofaggression
Pet: <none>
Addicted: Starts each dungeon with one Pack of Cigarettes if able to carry it.
Drider Curse: +3 HP, +1 Atk, +1 Def, +1 Mov. Can climb on walls and ceilings, and can carry one Small ally. Can no longer use ⯃ abilities. Cannot use footwear.
It Can’t Get Any Worse ⬡: Once per dungeon can sacrifice 5 HP to use a ⯃ ability.
Make It Count: After using a ⯃ ability, gain +2 Atk for the remainder of the dungeon.
Night Eyes: +1 Atk in rooms with no light.
Poison Proficiency: +1 damage when dealing poison damage
Poison Resistance III: +6 Def against poison.
Skeptic: -1 Def when wielding or wearing an item associated with a god.
Spored: Counts as a mushroom.
Subdue Spider ⯃: Causes one enemy spider in the room to become a pet for the remainder of the dungeon if possible, otherwise it merely becomes docile.
Venomous Barrage ⯃: Makes a ranged attack that deals 8 poison damage.
Venomous Sting I: Makes a ranged attack that deals 2 poison damage.
Web Binding ⯃: Makes a ranged attack against one enemy that gives it -3 to Atk and Def. This penalty is reduced by 1 at the end of each turn.
Web Walls ⯃: Covers all walls of the current room with webs, allowing allies to climb them and reach any location regardless of height. Lasts for the duration of the dungeon.
Here are the descriptions of the Items Lara is entering this dungeon with (with some tiny edits to try to get it past the spam filter):
Atk +6, Def -1, 2-handed.
Weight 2, Cost 24
Applies to weapons and ranged weapons. Grants +1 poison damage.
Cost +6
Def +1.
Weight 1, Cost 16
Use on an enemy at range to learn their stats. Someone who can see enemies through walls can use this item through walls as well.
Weight 1, Cost 10
Can be dropped somewhere and then detonated with fire, dealing 10 holy damage to anything near it. Can destroy various dungeon elements, but not walls or floors.
Weight 1, Value 30
Can be used in a variety of situations, primarily to reach high or low places.
Weight 1, Cost 8
Can be used as part of any other action to take 1 unblockable damage and gain +2 Atk until the end of the turn. An Addicted character has a 10% chance each turn to smoke without being prompted if they haven’t done so yet in the current dungeon. A character who is not Addicted has a 10% chance to become Addicted when smoking. Has a 50% chance not to be expended when used.
Weight 1, Cost 6
I think the spam filter really doesn’t like what Lara smokes.
Medium Mushroom
HP: 4red + 1orange
Atk: 2
Def: 1
Edible: Can be sacrificed by a living owner in order to restore owner’s HP by half of remaining HP.
Death Spores: When killed by an attack, deals 1 unblockable area poison damage to all nonmushrooms. If one or more organic creatures are killed by this damage, a new Little Mushroom is created.
Fungal Family: +1 Atk and Def for owner if owner is a mushroom.
Grow: Upon surviving a dungeon, grows into a Big Mushroom.
Small: Can be lifted by other characters and enter small openings, but can’t reach high places without help.
Pack Mule 2
HP: 5red + 1orange
Atk: 0
Def: 0
ITEMS [5 slots]: upgradepress[1(3)] , chainarmour[1(3)] , chainarmour[1(3)] , empty[2]
Distributed Weight: Carried items always have a weight of 1.
Handy Packs: Can trade items freely with owner, requiring no action from them.
Kick: Once per dungeon, can make an attack with +3 Atk.
Smallish: Can be lifted by other characters and enter small openings, and can still reach high places like a regular size character.
Here are the Items that Golly is carrying at the start of the adventure:
Once per dungeon can combine two identical weapons, shields, or armours to create a superior version.
Weight 3, Cost 100
Def +3.
Weight 3, Cost 23