For people who have trouble reading coloured text:
It’s pretty much what you’d imagine.
1 year ago
Sketchy: Prevents accumulation of bond with other characters when taken to a dungeon.
Do. NOT. Like.
(On the technical site of things, though: his bond level means that there will be at least 6 more dungeons available that we can do, one after the other. Itherwise – he didn’t join before NOW and he gains 1 bond level maximum per dungeon and he has 6 “Ricki heads” before one threshold and then the final bond dungeon one – we wouldn’t be able – from the amount of encounters alone – to max this char out.)
Oh, so he’s getting benched forever after this (unless he’s a mandatory pick again). I’m sure he’ll enjoy providing HARD LABOR back at the Manor.
Maybe building his room will get rid of Sketchy, but we’d have to drop a fair chunk of change with the possibility of getting something else.
I’m not sure if the Well is necessarily the right choice for that party composition (lots of tight spaces means that Ricki might be on her own a lot of the time being the main issue, and then also having to carry the Little Mushrooms through a place with drowning+poison damage) but that’s a really great idea overall.
I don’t think we’re getting rid of Sketchy any more than we’re getting rid of Remorse. I do however expect that his max-bond level up option on Ricki would let Ricki learn Dual Wield.
Much like Coxxyx, Amadeusz has only one threshold. To match the pattern, he’d also get a 30-cost room for a listed +1 max HP.
1 year ago
Damnit we have a furry
1 year ago
Werewolf Bard was not the direction I was expecting this to go. Super interesting!
It also explains why he didn’t want to reveal his true nature until after he was selected to join the dungeon. My prediction that his stats would remain unknowable and he would be insanely powerful was wrong, but he still seems like an incredible addition to the team. If there’s a question about whether he should officially be a member after the dungeon is over, then given only the information we have now, I say yes.
1. He helped us and gave us a place to live.
2. We have a variety of other sketchy people who we let into the party, so not allowing him to join would be hypocritical.
3. He *did* reveal his werewolf nature to us, even if not right away. He could have chosen to keep that hidden and only use his bard abilities. It’s understandable to be guarded about something like that until you trust someone.
4. While he didn’t reveal everything about himself right away, he actually gave us more information about himself than some of the other characters did, if you think about it. And he was very polite and courteous about it.
5. He seems to know things, which is valuable.
I do hope he gets a room in the manor for a cutscene trigger because he’s an intriguing character and there has to be more to his story. He’s still very mysterious.
I would advise you to hop to LSN’s Ko-fi store and check out the Fourem Clan stories – specifically the Arena Slaves one – before forming an opinion about him.
This might also be why he is so particular about the trappings of civilization, less than enthused with the lack of proper table settings (I9P33). Likely a sore spot around being treated like an animal.
1 year ago
So this twist leads me to another theory of Amadeusz’s backstory.
So here’s what we know about him that’s strange:
1. He was living in caves and in the wild while he was spying on us.
2. Despite this, he had other properties which he liquidated.
3. He gave us a dilapidated manor to renovate and watched us from afar, testing us.
4. He offered to join and help, but didn’t reveal his stats until after we had him join the dungeon.
5. His stats are pretty nice, but ultimately not leaps and bounds above anyone else.
So here’s what I think is happening here, and it’s actually kind of deep and tragic.
Amadeusz, because he’s a werewolf, is often ostracized by people in his community. He’s probably been chased out of his home many times by angry and superstitious mobs. Probably for a long time. Those other properties that he mysteriously knew about? The manor? Those were old homes of his that he got chased out of. He was living in a cave because he has no place to go. He was spying on us because he was hoping to find people who could help protect him and would accept him for who he was. But if he just waltzed up to us from the start and immediately revealed he was a werewolf, he might get chased off. He had to know who we were first. He had to know if we were strong enough to protect him. He also wanted to gift us the manor from afar so that we would see he was friend, and it might be more palatable to accept him for who he was if we recognized his actions helping us *first.* He revealed himself just now because if there are still doubts, there are fewer members of the group he has to take on or flee from if we choose not to accept him. He’s choosing to show us this side of himself because he feels he can trust us enough to risk it. He wants us to judge him for his actions, not his appearance.
Of course, that’s just a possibility. I could be completely wrong about this. But since he chose to reveal himself now it kind of changes my outlook on him and eradicates other theories I had about him.
He has appeared previously in LSNs games, specifically the Arena Slaves, which is available on his ko-fi.
Let’s just say… Some major parts of his backstory include bloodsport and a lot of dead innocents.
1 year ago
Sketchy, fair play GM, fair play
but could we please move the SiegeSword to Mac, and start in wolf form :pray:
Kamie can’t wield.
Mac could use that +6 attack
for Amadeusz that will be exchanging +6Att -1Def for +5Att (+3+1×2) +1Def for totall of -1Att and +2Def, (and that 6 attack goes to Mac)
EDIT: also Zig and Thrum should be in violin mode.
If we go out of warewolf mode it will most likelly be for music, that way we won’t need to waste another turn to get ready.
(im aware nothing says we can pick their mode before dungeon, unlike which form he starts with, but that seems like the sort of thing we should be allowed to pick)
Last edited 1 year ago by Zuvatan
1 year ago
So, his letter seal is a wolf. But where did he get those two Rings of protection he is wearing?!
“Werewolf form has +3 Atk and +1 Def, but cannot use weapons, shields, armour, or Musical abilities.”
That does not mention wands (or rings, or accessories). Likely part of why Tooth and Nail I specifies +1 Atk per empty hand, as hands can still use some equipment.
Pipes: When used to play a song, gives one enemy in the room a 20% chance to miss its attacks that turn, or a 60% chance if used as part of a Musical ability.
Zing and Thrum, Violin: Can be played to give all nearby allies +1 Def, or +2 Def if used as part of a Musical ability
Hurtful Dirge :note: : Deals 1 unblockable damage to every living enemy creature in the room.
Interesting, feels like the instrument effect is part of the same action as the Musical ability as well as being upgraded. Still only twice per dungeon, but those combine nicely.
Mode switching is expensive, though. Definitely an action to transform Zing and Thrum, and implicitly an action to Shapeshift. Good thing we have the pipes, they’re less reliable than +2 Def AoE but that lets him keep the weight-1 +4 Atk weapon. 9 inventory is good.
I feel like the play is to keep him a werewolf, always have his weapons as musical instruments, and then use hurtful dirge when needed for massive AoE damage when it would do more than his +6 claws. Then boost his shapeshifting and Hurtful Dirge whenever possible to increase both.
1 year ago
Not sure why this wasn’t done already but in the future Ricki should be taking Lazuli and Kamau should be taking Daisy. The +1 to attack from both of them is absolutely crazy and we’re missing out on some good bonuses because of that. For this dungeon, that would have been a +4 to damage every round with Ama’s bonuses, even if we didn’t know about them, and a +2 without them.
It’s probably because Daisy has 3 Move, which not only allows Ricki to do three Move actions when she’s riding her but also boosts the damage of the Swiftblade by an additional +1.
Daisy also boosts Ricki’s defense by 1, which is something she needs more than Kamau. The movement boost gets lost if we put Daisy on a non-small, since only smalls can ride her. Assuming we’re always going to have the Daisy user wield the swift blade, the +1 atk on Daisy is immediately cancelled out by the minimum +1 that anyone gets by having 3 movement vs at most 2 movement without Daisy.
Last edited 1 year ago by thisnameismeta
Lurker in the Thread
1 year ago
Please tell me I’m not the only one who got the Mozart joke
For people who have trouble reading coloured text:
It’s pretty much what you’d imagine.
Do. NOT. Like.
(On the technical site of things, though: his bond level means that there will be at least 6 more dungeons available that we can do, one after the other. Itherwise – he didn’t join before NOW and he gains 1 bond level maximum per dungeon and he has 6 “Ricki heads” before one threshold and then the final bond dungeon one – we wouldn’t be able – from the amount of encounters alone – to max this char out.)
Oh no! He’s a furry!
Oh, so he’s getting benched forever after this (unless he’s a mandatory pick again). I’m sure he’ll enjoy providing HARD LABOR back at the Manor.
Maybe building his room will get rid of Sketchy, but we’d have to drop a fair chunk of change with the possibility of getting something else.
Not necessarily benched forever. Just means we take him with us when we have characters with maxed Bond.
or when taking Cordy.
We wanted to see Lara unlocked level up skill.
Well team: Amadeusz, Cordy, Lara?
I’m just a bit sad we had no warnings about this beforehand because we pick these two characters to help form bonds.
I’m not sure if the Well is necessarily the right choice for that party composition (lots of tight spaces means that Ricki might be on her own a lot of the time being the main issue, and then also having to carry the Little Mushrooms through a place with drowning+poison damage) but that’s a really great idea overall.
I don’t think we’re getting rid of Sketchy any more than we’re getting rid of Remorse. I do however expect that his max-bond level up option on Ricki would let Ricki learn Dual Wield.
Much like Coxxyx, Amadeusz has only one threshold. To match the pattern, he’d also get a 30-cost room for a listed +1 max HP.
Damnit we have a furry
Werewolf Bard was not the direction I was expecting this to go. Super interesting!
It also explains why he didn’t want to reveal his true nature until after he was selected to join the dungeon. My prediction that his stats would remain unknowable and he would be insanely powerful was wrong, but he still seems like an incredible addition to the team. If there’s a question about whether he should officially be a member after the dungeon is over, then given only the information we have now, I say yes.
1. He helped us and gave us a place to live.
2. We have a variety of other sketchy people who we let into the party, so not allowing him to join would be hypocritical.
3. He *did* reveal his werewolf nature to us, even if not right away. He could have chosen to keep that hidden and only use his bard abilities. It’s understandable to be guarded about something like that until you trust someone.
4. While he didn’t reveal everything about himself right away, he actually gave us more information about himself than some of the other characters did, if you think about it. And he was very polite and courteous about it.
5. He seems to know things, which is valuable.
I do hope he gets a room in the manor for a cutscene trigger because he’s an intriguing character and there has to be more to his story. He’s still very mysterious.
I would advise you to hop to LSN’s Ko-fi store and check out the Fourem Clan stories – specifically the Arena Slaves one – before forming an opinion about him.
Haven’t bought them yet but do we know if they’re canonical? Sometimes characters get reused and reshaped for different stories.
So far there has been some reshaping, but not all that much. Lohk’s backstory directly references Clan Fourem, enemy stats are the same, etc, etc.
This might also be why he is so particular about the trappings of civilization, less than enthused with the lack of proper table settings (I9P33). Likely a sore spot around being treated like an animal.
So this twist leads me to another theory of Amadeusz’s backstory.
So here’s what we know about him that’s strange:
1. He was living in caves and in the wild while he was spying on us.
2. Despite this, he had other properties which he liquidated.
3. He gave us a dilapidated manor to renovate and watched us from afar, testing us.
4. He offered to join and help, but didn’t reveal his stats until after we had him join the dungeon.
5. His stats are pretty nice, but ultimately not leaps and bounds above anyone else.
So here’s what I think is happening here, and it’s actually kind of deep and tragic.
Amadeusz, because he’s a werewolf, is often ostracized by people in his community. He’s probably been chased out of his home many times by angry and superstitious mobs. Probably for a long time. Those other properties that he mysteriously knew about? The manor? Those were old homes of his that he got chased out of. He was living in a cave because he has no place to go. He was spying on us because he was hoping to find people who could help protect him and would accept him for who he was. But if he just waltzed up to us from the start and immediately revealed he was a werewolf, he might get chased off. He had to know who we were first. He had to know if we were strong enough to protect him. He also wanted to gift us the manor from afar so that we would see he was friend, and it might be more palatable to accept him for who he was if we recognized his actions helping us *first.* He revealed himself just now because if there are still doubts, there are fewer members of the group he has to take on or flee from if we choose not to accept him. He’s choosing to show us this side of himself because he feels he can trust us enough to risk it. He wants us to judge him for his actions, not his appearance.
Of course, that’s just a possibility. I could be completely wrong about this. But since he chose to reveal himself now it kind of changes my outlook on him and eradicates other theories I had about him.
He has appeared previously in LSNs games, specifically the Arena Slaves, which is available on his ko-fi.
Let’s just say… Some major parts of his backstory include bloodsport and a lot of dead innocents.
Sketchy, fair play GM, fair play
but could we please move the SiegeSword to Mac, and start in wolf form :pray:
Kamie can’t wield.
Mac could use that +6 attack
for Amadeusz that will be exchanging +6Att -1Def for +5Att (+3+1×2) +1Def for totall of -1Att and +2Def, (and that 6 attack goes to Mac)
EDIT: also Zig and Thrum should be in violin mode.
If we go out of warewolf mode it will most likelly be for music, that way we won’t need to waste another turn to get ready.
(im aware nothing says we can pick their mode before dungeon, unlike which form he starts with, but that seems like the sort of thing we should be allowed to pick)
So, his letter seal is a wolf. But where did he get those two Rings of protection he is wearing?!
From Ricky, everything in his inventory except from his violinswords were given as part of the dungeon loadout.
He’s a musical furry.. got it.
Notes on wording:
That does not mention wands (or rings, or accessories). Likely part of why Tooth and Nail I specifies +1 Atk per empty hand, as hands can still use some equipment.
Interesting, feels like the instrument effect is part of the same action as the Musical ability as well as being upgraded. Still only twice per dungeon, but those combine nicely.
Mode switching is expensive, though. Definitely an action to transform Zing and Thrum, and implicitly an action to Shapeshift. Good thing we have the pipes, they’re less reliable than +2 Def AoE but that lets him keep the weight-1 +4 Atk weapon. 9 inventory is good.
I feel like the play is to keep him a werewolf, always have his weapons as musical instruments, and then use hurtful dirge when needed for massive AoE damage when it would do more than his +6 claws. Then boost his shapeshifting and Hurtful Dirge whenever possible to increase both.
Not sure why this wasn’t done already but in the future Ricki should be taking Lazuli and Kamau should be taking Daisy. The +1 to attack from both of them is absolutely crazy and we’re missing out on some good bonuses because of that. For this dungeon, that would have been a +4 to damage every round with Ama’s bonuses, even if we didn’t know about them, and a +2 without them.
Seriously, why did Ricki get daisy again?
It’s probably because Daisy has 3 Move, which not only allows Ricki to do three Move actions when she’s riding her but also boosts the damage of the Swiftblade by an additional +1.
Daisy also boosts Ricki’s defense by 1, which is something she needs more than Kamau. The movement boost gets lost if we put Daisy on a non-small, since only smalls can ride her. Assuming we’re always going to have the Daisy user wield the swift blade, the +1 atk on Daisy is immediately cancelled out by the minimum +1 that anyone gets by having 3 movement vs at most 2 movement without Daisy.
Please tell me I’m not the only one who got the Mozart joke
You’re not. LSN confirmed that pun is the basis for the character on discord.