Dungeon 9 Turn 44


The party attacks the bloated zombie, and although it proves to be fairly tough, it can’t stand up to that level of concentrated firepower. Kamau takes no damage from blocking its attacks (and Coccyx’s arrow), but he does gain 2 more points of Infection. If he gains one more, the plague will claim him.

However, Kamau seems to be familiar with this type of zombie. He cuts open its skull and pulls out a lump of diseased meat from within.

“Zombies that swell up like this are a rare mutation. They incubate the plague inside themselves and can spread it farther than regular zombies.”

“But this concentrated plague can also be used as a cure. It’s very rare, so I didn’t think we’d find any of it.”

“Paws would probably find a buy it at a high price. That is, if you trust him not to sell it to anyone untrustworthy, Ricki.”

“But we might want to consider using it ourselves… I’m not feeling so great.”


This lump of pulsating necrotic flesh can be used to revive the zombie plague… or cure it. If consumed alongside any potion, that potion’s normal effects are cancelled. Instead it reduces Infection by 3 points.
Weight 1, Cost 30