Dungeon 3 Turn 10


Kamau retreats from battle, leaving the bats and skeletons to fight among themselves. The skeletons pursue him as far as the door, but can’t get through Kamau’s sky-high Def. The bats seem to randomly decide to gang up on a skeleton, dealing minor damage to the one in front.

Kamau heads back up the ladder.

After checking for traps to the best of her ability and finding nothing amiss, Ricki pops open the nearby chest.

The monster inside the chest then pops Ricki in the snout. She takes 1 point of damage.

The giant bipedal cockroach leaps out of its hiding place and starts dancing back and forth aggressively. A suit of leather armour also spills out of the chest, which the insect seems uninterested in.

Kamau arrives to see Ricki facing off with the creature.

“Stalkroach. I hate these things. Best try to kill it before it finds somewhere else to hide.”