Dungeon 2 Turn 53


Ricki throws the lever back into open position. She can hear the pipes rattle as ale begins to flow up to the tavern once more. She immediately books it out of the hidden room, ignoring the thugs’ threats and protests.

Meanwhile, the guard and his faithful dog descend one more ladder into a small, dark chamber…

“Emperor’s mercy…”

“You’re twice the monster they said you were.”


“Sorry, already decided against it.”

Kamau leaves the guard dazed while the dog fights off the skeletons.

“Oh my god, are you okay?!”

“I’ve been worse.”

“I saw the guard headed your way, I was just about to go after you!”

“It was a close escape. We have to get out of here right away. The guard won’t be far behind.”

“Yeah. I’m pretty sure I got the ale flowing, though, so at least it wasn’t all for nothing.”

“I hope this will all serve as a lesson. Dungeons are dangerous. We were lucky to get out of this one alive.”

“You say luck, I say skill and planning.”


“And anyway, whatever may have gone wrong this time, it’ll just serve as a lesson to make us even stronger for the next dungeon! Right?”


Ricki and Kamau leave the tavern cellar.

Dungeon 2 is complete!