Dungeon 2 Turn 30


“So what do your friends look like who are coming to pick up your loot?”

“They look like kicking your ASS!”

Ricki doesn’t think these guys are going to tell her anything else useful, so she goes back through the tunnel.

Ricki gives her leather armour back to Kamau, as well as handing him the boots. Kamau is then able to take the bucket back off and easily kill the centipede. Ricki also takes her other dagger back, but doesn’t attack with it because she doesn’t want to get one of her weapons all centipedey. No new items drop, but they can now freely reach that guy on the floor.

Ricki goes to check out the guy, who looks like one of the drunks. He’s not dead, but he’s not breathing well at all. He probably got poisoned by the centipede. If he doesn’t receive some kind of healing soon, he’ll most likely die.

“We should try to help him if we can.”

Ricki and Kamau hear more angry grumbling coming from somewhere above.