Dungeon 2 Turn 16


Ricki finally unlocks Kamau’s ball and chain, allowing him to carry and use the rusty chain armour. Kamau then trades the rusty sword he picked up for the ale Ricki is carrying, leaving both of them armed and armoured. The steel ball is left behind for now.

While they make these equipment adjustments, Ricki decides to bring up a difficult subject.

“It feels good to have armour again, even as badly damaged as this set is.”

“Uh huh. Hey Kamau, you know how you asked me where I saw other locked chests?”


“Well, that’s actually because of one of my abilities. I’m not supposed to tell people about it, but since we’re relying on each other to survive down here… well, I wanted to let you know.”

“I can actually see into nearby rooms, in all directions. There’s these little crawlspaces between the floors here, that’s where I see all these chests. And I can see other people’s stats and stuff if they’re in my party, including yours!”

“That’s… a really incredible ability. Now I understand why you were so confident we could handle a dungeon by ourselves.”

“Yeah! It’s super useful! But the thing is, it ONLY works when I’m in a dungeon. That’s how I keep getting caught stealing when I’m out on the street or whatever. It’s a lot harder when you can’t see behind you.”

“Wait… it ONLY works in a dungeon? What’s this ability called?”

“Dungeon Eyes.”

“Whenever there’s a dungeon nearby, I try to sneak in and test it out before the guards show up, but I could never actually make use of it properly because I can’t go explore a dungeon alone. I’d die!”

“But then I had no choice when I was in that jail. And then I got a chance to try it out again right away!”

“I’m sorry I volunteered you to come down here. I guess I was just excited to finally get to find out what I can do.”

“And now we’re getting beat up kind of bad… you were right that these places are dangerous. We can leave if you want.”

“Ricki, does anyone else know that you’re able to do this?”

“Just my friend, Lohk. She made me promise not to talk about it, but—”

“Your friend is right. I’m grateful that you trust me enough to share, but you should keep this a secret from now on.”

“Now, we should go make some progress before these new items fall apart. I’m going to start clearing the way for us. You come up after me, these drunks don’t seem smart enough to change targets after they start attacking.”

Kamau heads upstairs and starts fighting more drunks, who have given up trying to open the barrel. With his new armour, he takes no damage at all. Neither does the armour, shockingly.

Ricki stays in the lower room for now. She grins wickedly as she laughs to herself.

“Hehehe… that trusting fool. He never even realized…”

“…that I threw my thieves’ tools away when he wasn’t looking.”