Dungeon 2 Turn 0


“Well, I suppose there’s no turning back now.”

“Don’t worry, we’ll be fine.”

“I wouldn’t be so sure. This may be a cellar in the middle of the city, but it’s still a dungeon. These places exist to kill people.”

“But look at how good we did in the FIRST one!”

“That jail had only been a dungeon for a day or so when we explored it. The longer these things stew for, the bigger they get, and the less they make sense. We could find anything down here.”

“Yeah, but you’re strong as heck, and I just got a cool new ability! We can handle it!”

“I hope you’re right.”

Ricki and Kamau enter their second dungeon. The mundane wooden walls of the cellar are juxtaposed against the presence of impractically huge treasure chests and… a skeleton with a magic wand? Huh. Okay, so Kamau was right about things not making sense.

The pipe the owner mentioned is right where he said it would be. It seems this tap can be used to test what sort of ale is being sent up through the ceiling to the tavern above. As soon as they get it to pump regular old ale, they can leave and get their reward.

Also, Ricki pulls out another set of thieves’ tools. Let’s not dwell on where she keeps them all, or why she pretends she doesn’t have them even when she needs them.


Dungeon 2: The Tavern Cellar

Goal: Restore the flow of untainted ale to the tavern above

Secondary Goal: Retrieve as many Rat Tails as possible, while letting as few Angry Drunks as possible be killed by traps or monsters

Time Limit: Every 10 turns, a group of Angry Drunks will descend from the tavern and begin wandering the dungeon

This dungeon can be abandoned.