Botanya, just don’t set the table on fire right now, you’ll burn our precious rope 😀
I wonder, maybe burning the chest would be more fun? We know we can set tables on fire, but I think we didn’t try chests and ladders yet
2 months ago
Plan: Engage!
Ricki: Point out the pressure plate to party. Attack Holy Tamer 1
Daisy: Attack Holy Tamer 1 with Ricki
Kamau: avoid the trap and Interpose on Group with Shield.
Botania: Avoid Trap and Mend Kamau. Debuff the enemies
Mac: Throw the shocktail and Tamer 2.
Plant and Shroom: Attack Tamer 2
Does 12 and 14 damage to tamers who should be taken out with 10. Kamau has 22 def when taking holy attacks vs their visible attack of 19. Both riders would need 2 silver rings of attack to risk Kamau
It would take 3 turns to case all of them. If we just attacked and one blew a horn, we would just take that one out next so at most 2 floors would be broken and we’d still be ok.
Is she in range? I’ve lost track of her movements. We have at least one floor protecting us and need two turns to take out the tamers, so we should only need one turn where she can’t make it to the room below us for guaranteed safety.
I can’t edit my previous comment, but there is also a concern about the trap. Tamers can shot it and maybe it will go boom. Also, we learned last turn that the armor will not heal Kamau if he goes to 0.
So, I really think Kamau needs to heal more hit points before engaging the death riders and holy tamers. And it is not just because I want to barbecue the meat.
To surmise all the risks we are facing here:
1 – Dino jump
2 – Holy debuff (maybe a lesser concern, since their stats on enemy page are meant to fit all tamer elemental types)
3 – Exploding trap triggered by enemy attack
4 – Regen armor won’t heal the dead
1: Dino Jump:
It can only break 1 floor at a time. Not a risk and we’ll have lots of warning if it is coming
2: Holy Debuff: Unlike Magicrows which are described as being able to cast spells of various elements, Tamers just say they can do a 3dmg ranged attack. Not spells
3: Exploding trap: Every time an enemy has triggered a trap, it has been with a crossbow shot. That said, we have seen a 1dmg ray attack knock a dangling skeleton off an edge, so it could be possible a ray could trigger the trap. I’ll admit it is not outside the realm of possibility but I think very unlikely.
4: Not including the armor healing, since it doesnt apply at 0 hp, Kamau needs to take 28 damage in one round. Visible damage is 19. So both riders with 2 Silver attack rings still wouldnt be able to kill kamau.
2 months ago
Plan: Healing up as much as possible.
Kamau and Ricki: Grit. We can do this!
Botania: Mend Kamau.
Mac: Check if the table seems like it would burn easily with a torch. Would we be able to cook meat if it did?
Heals us up as much as possible. Hopefully Mac can confirm if the meat cooking idea will work without wasting another action.
2 months ago
Plan: Engage! **REVISED**
Ricki: Throw your dagger at the pressure plate trap. Time it so it explodes when the riders charge us if you can.
Kamau: Interpose with shield just right of the ladder. away from the explosion.
Botania: Debuff any enemies that charge us and Mend Kamau.
Mac: Throw the shocktail with your tyrant fang at the furthest Holy Tamer.
Daisy, Plant and Shroom: Attack a rider if they engage us once they pass the trap.
Idea here is to get some free dmg on the Riders while safely removing the pressure plate. This Plan uses a Fang so Mac can one shot Tamer.
As much as I like the pressure plate trick, I still prefer your previous plan that takes out two tamers right away. My guess is that the king is in the entrance chamber right now, so if any of these tamers has a horn, she’ll take out the floor where the thieves’ tools are next turn and the floor the miner is on the turn after that. We don’t know if she can jump higher than that, but if any enemy with a horn is still standing on T44 we’ll find out.
The problem with that is what the enemies will probably attack the pressure plate, injuring most of our pets and remorsing out Kamau. Far, far too dangerous of an option.
Botanya, just don’t set the table on fire right now, you’ll burn our precious rope 😀
I wonder, maybe burning the chest would be more fun? We know we can set tables on fire, but I think we didn’t try chests and ladders yet
Plan: Engage!
Ricki: Point out the pressure plate to party. Attack Holy Tamer 1
Daisy: Attack Holy Tamer 1 with Ricki
Kamau: avoid the trap and Interpose on Group with Shield.
Botania: Avoid Trap and Mend Kamau. Debuff the enemies
Mac: Throw the shocktail and Tamer 2.
Plant and Shroom: Attack Tamer 2
Does 12 and 14 damage to tamers who should be taken out with 10. Kamau has 22 def when taking holy attacks vs their visible attack of 19. Both riders would need 2 silver rings of attack to risk Kamau
What if the tamers have that defense debuff spell we have seen the Justiciars use?
Let’s ask Sue about them?
Unlike Magicrows, Their stat block does not mention any ability to cast spells. Just a ranged 3 attack of their element
Do any of the tamers have a horn? Because Mommy’s head might catastrophically interrupt the battle
Let Ricky case them?
It would take 3 turns to case all of them. If we just attacked and one blew a horn, we would just take that one out next so at most 2 floors would be broken and we’d still be ok.
Is she in range? I’ve lost track of her movements. We have at least one floor protecting us and need two turns to take out the tamers, so we should only need one turn where she can’t make it to the room below us for guaranteed safety.
I can’t edit my previous comment, but there is also a concern about the trap. Tamers can shot it and maybe it will go boom. Also, we learned last turn that the armor will not heal Kamau if he goes to 0.
So, I really think Kamau needs to heal more hit points before engaging the death riders and holy tamers. And it is not just because I want to barbecue the meat.
To surmise all the risks we are facing here:
1 – Dino jump
2 – Holy debuff (maybe a lesser concern, since their stats on enemy page are meant to fit all tamer elemental types)
3 – Exploding trap triggered by enemy attack
4 – Regen armor won’t heal the dead
1: Dino Jump:
It can only break 1 floor at a time. Not a risk and we’ll have lots of warning if it is coming
2: Holy Debuff: Unlike Magicrows which are described as being able to cast spells of various elements, Tamers just say they can do a 3dmg ranged attack. Not spells
3: Exploding trap: Every time an enemy has triggered a trap, it has been with a crossbow shot. That said, we have seen a 1dmg ray attack knock a dangling skeleton off an edge, so it could be possible a ray could trigger the trap. I’ll admit it is not outside the realm of possibility but I think very unlikely.
4: Not including the armor healing, since it doesnt apply at 0 hp, Kamau needs to take 28 damage in one round. Visible damage is 19. So both riders with 2 Silver attack rings still wouldnt be able to kill kamau.
Plan: Healing up as much as possible.
Kamau and Ricki: Grit. We can do this!
Botania: Mend Kamau.
Mac: Check if the table seems like it would burn easily with a torch. Would we be able to cook meat if it did?
Heals us up as much as possible. Hopefully Mac can confirm if the meat cooking idea will work without wasting another action.
Plan: Engage! **REVISED**
Ricki: Throw your dagger at the pressure plate trap. Time it so it explodes when the riders charge us if you can.
Kamau: Interpose with shield just right of the ladder. away from the explosion.
Botania: Debuff any enemies that charge us and Mend Kamau.
Mac: Throw the shocktail with your tyrant fang at the furthest Holy Tamer.
Daisy, Plant and Shroom: Attack a rider if they engage us once they pass the trap.
Idea here is to get some free dmg on the Riders while safely removing the pressure plate. This Plan uses a Fang so Mac can one shot Tamer.
This would be my choice of engaging for next turn if we end up voting to heal up first.
Why wouldn’t we use the thieves tool to disarm the trap? We know we can outspeed them when that’s our choice of action.
We’re hoping to damage them with it.
As much as I like the pressure plate trick, I still prefer your previous plan that takes out two tamers right away. My guess is that the king is in the entrance chamber right now, so if any of these tamers has a horn, she’ll take out the floor where the thieves’ tools are next turn and the floor the miner is on the turn after that. We don’t know if she can jump higher than that, but if any enemy with a horn is still standing on T44 we’ll find out.
The problem with that is what the enemies will probably attack the pressure plate, injuring most of our pets and remorsing out Kamau. Far, far too dangerous of an option.
Whether we kill one tamer this turn and two next turn, or two this turn and one next turn, it is the same turn count.