Dungeon 14 Turn 33

Ricki knocks another of the miners unconscious with the flat of her blade. Kamau attempts to defeat the remaining two, but they dodge his attempt at a cleaving strike.
Botanya engages the beautiful dwarven maiden in conversation.
“no i had enough the first time”
Botanya does not engage the beautiful dwarven maiden in conversation.

Macadamia knocks out the final miner in this room. The group drops two more picks, four copper rings of aggression, and four copper rings of protection… on the wrong side of the giant hole in the floor.
Ricki, that’s a lot of blood for using the flat of your blade…
Ricki: Case the Death Tamer on the floor below.
Kamau: Interpose.
Daisy & The Flytrap: Take out a Kobold together.
Macadamia: Join the group, attack the second Kobold.
Botanya: Mulch up whatever you can. Use your remaining Heal Wand on Kamau.
So what’s our overall game plan? Are we trying to kill Mommy, or get to the eggs? Because it looks like we either need 2 miniboss fights or a way to break floors to get to the eggs, and I have no idea how to kill Mommy.
EDIT: Or third option I suppose, of looting anything we want and abandoning.