Dungeon 13 Turn 60


Lara continues to hold off the Guard patrol, but more and more of them keep showing up. Before too long, she’ll be completely overwhelmed. But with Ricki’s life potentially on the line, Lara is prepared to make whatever sacrifice she needs to.

But then…

“There! That’s the goblin on the posters!”

“Get her!!”

While Lara and Ricki lead the guards away, Amadeusz and Ix run in another direction, disappearing into the night. Ix’s glow is a little too noticeable, so Amadeusz gives them a little space to minimize the chances of being seen.

It appears that they’re going to get away.

However, although dungeons are inherently chaotic places of powerful magic, Ix was modified to exist in that environment, and that environment alone. Away from the dungeon magic, the control collar that keeps them stable has an opposite effect.

They flash rapidly between their two forms, each transformation a painful shifting of their body’s fundamental being. Their every component particle screams in agony.

They collapse to the ground, helpless.

But help arrives nonetheless.

Dungeon 13 is complete!