Dungeon 12 Turn 48


Ricki pulls two clumps of oxymoss off the wall while Amadeusz opens the first of two chests. Inside he finds a pair of golden gloves which the non-werewolf part of his brain finds very interesting.

Lara drops her harpoon, picks up the crab armour, and leaves the room.

Ricki moves to the middle of the well and eats an oxymoss to avoid drowning.

Lara moves all the way to the bottom left room.

Cordy picks up another wishing coin.

…No, it’s not the exact same panel! There’s one less coin!!


Wielded gold weapons gain +2 Atk and have no break chance. Also, once per dungeon when you defeat or help defeat an enemy, a number of Gold Coins equal to the enemy’s maximum HP drops. Attempting to use this ability but failing to defeat an enemy doesn’t expend the ability.
Weight 1, Cost 40