Dungeon 11 Turn 13


Kamau picks up the birthday cake off the floor (which it has been dropped on twice, for those keeping track at home) and eats it. Macadamia then uses the wand of mend to cure his food poisoning. Kamau is now back up to 5 HP total.

He then follows Ricki and Amadeusz to the left.

Ricki throws her battleaxe at the keys hanging up near the ceiling. It’s light enough to cross the distance but also heavy enough to jostle the keys, so it works! Ricki picks both the weapon and keys up after they fall. Looks like this key has a number 2 printed on its tag. That should unlock the basement door, if the note she read earlier was right!

Amadeusz continues up the ladder to try and solve the mystery of the missing guards.

It has been solved.

The guards are embroiled in combat with the group of centipedes, a task which they seem to approach with bored familiarity. However, one of them notices Amadeusz. What will they do next turn, he wonders…