Dungeon 1 Turn 31


Kamau is easily able to finish off the guard, who is wearing only his uniform rather than any real armour. He knocks him out with a bonk on the head, then shoves his napping body off into the foreground somewhere it won’t clutter up the room.

While Kamau does that, Ricki swipes the guard’s sword, the keys hanging on the wall, and his pile of documents. Kamau recommends ditching the sword immediately after escaping, which Ricki agrees with. The keys are labeled “cells”, which theoretically means they can open every cell door that’s still locked.

The papers appear to be notes regarding prisoners. Again, most of them are irrelevant to Ricki, but she finds one she’s pretty sure is about Kamau:

Make sure the TRAITOR in 3A stays fit enough to walk. They’re going to parade him past half the city on his way to execution, and nobody wants to have to carry him. He’ll weigh a ton with all the chains and shackles we’ll have to slap on him.”

Yeesh. Sounds like Kamau is in for a really bad time. And Ricki got the impression that he knows it and doesn’t care. That’s… really sad.

Surprisingly, Ricki also finds a note that seems to be about her.

Keep an eye on that goblin. Somebody’s been offering to pay bail but we think we can drive the price up if we hold on to her for a few more days. Everybody gets a cut, like usual.”

That’s strange. Ricki has no idea who might be trying to bail her out. She can only think of one person who would try, but she wouldn’t be able to afford it… and Ricki very deliberately keeps her “adventures” secret from her until they’re safely over.

She does know ONE person who probably has the money, but he’s always made it clear that the guards will never see his face, so it wouldn’t be him either.

It’s a mystery for another day, though. She’s gotta get out of here quick!


Atk +2. You’ll get in serious trouble if caught with this. It must be discarded at the end of the dungeon.
Weight 1, Cost –