Optimistic Thief
Atk: ++
Def: ++++ (20%)
Mov: +
Pet: Daisy
Always Prepared: Starts each dungeon with one Thieves’ Tools if able to carry it.
Big Haul III: +6 Enc.
Careful Thief: 50% chance not to expend Thieves’ Tools when used.
Case : As an action can identify all items an enemy in the same room carries, even if some items are not visible. Once per dungeon can identify contents of a nearby chest without opening it.
Comforting Weight: +1 Def for each full stack of Gold Coins carried.
Dash: +1 Mov.
Dodgy II: Incoming attacks have a 20% chance to miss.
Dungeon Eyes: Can see the full room while in a dungeon, as well as party’s stats and abilities.
Grit : Once per dungeon can recover 3 HP in place of taking another action. The amount recovered increases by 1 for every two characters with full bond, even if they’re not in the dungeon. Nearby allies can use their action at the same time to recover 3 HP.
Light Armour Proficiency: +1 Def when wearing armour with a base Def bonus of +2 or less.
Lockpicking: Can expend Thieves’ Tools to open regular locks.
Small: Can be lifted by other characters and enter small openings, but can’t reach high places without help.
Spored: Counts as a mushroom.
Trap Detection II: Can spot well hidden traps and point them out to allies.
Trap Disarming: Can expend Thieves’ Tools to render traps harmless, even if they can’t normally be circumvented.
Fallen Champion
Atk: +
Def: ++++(60%)
Pet: Mushroom 45
Cleave: If an attacked enemy is killed, can make another attack at -3 Atk against another random nearby enemy.
Counterattack: When HP is reduced by one or more nearby enemies, has a 20% chance to make an extra attack against a random nearby enemy.
Dauntless I : Once per dungeon when reduced to 0 HP, regain 1 HP at the end of the turn.
Heavy Armour Proficiency: +1 Def when wearing armour with a base Def bonus of +3 or more.
Heavy Strike I : Once per dungeon can make a melee attack with +3 Atk.
Heavy Sword Proficiency: +1 Atk when wielding a greatsword or similar weapon.
Heroic Effort I: +1 Atk against enemies with twice as much HP or more.
Interpose: In place of attacking, can prevent enemies from targeting nearby allies.
Light Sword Proficiency: +1 Atk when wielding a longsword or similar weapon.
One-Handed: Can wield only one weapon, shield, or other item, and cannot use two-handed weapons.
Remorse : If allies take a total of 5 damage, or if any ally dies, will leave the dungeon immediately.
Sentiment: Always carries Kamau’s Hilt and will not drop or trade it.
Shield Proficiency: +1 Def when wielding a shield.
Spored: Counts as a mushroom.
Unlicensed Ringsmif
Atk: +
Pet: Golly
Believer: +1 Def when wielding or wearing an item associated with a god.
Doing His Best: Can exit the dungeon separately from the rest of the party. Can still gain bond and an ability if the dungeon is still completed.
Fired Up: Gain +1 Bond and +1 new ability if the current dungeon is completed successfully.
Gear Essence: Can smif rings from undamaged weapons, armour, or shields. Bonus of ring cannot exceed base bonus of base item.
Ring Box: Can stack identical unworn rings up to 5 times in inventory.
Ringsmifing III: Can smif copper, silver, and gold rings.
Small: Can be lifted by other characters and enter small openings, but can’t reach high places without help.
Smif Ring II : Three times per dungeon can combine a nonmagical ring with another item to create a magic ring.
Unusual Flower
Def: ++
Pet: Flytrap
Bloom II: Can use three abilities per dungeon.
Disarming Aroma I: Enemies in melee range have -1 Atk.
Flammable: Takes 2 additional damage from fire.
Flytrap I : Creates a Flytrap pet that fights for you. Has HP 4, Atk 3, Def 2, and +2 Atk against undead. Lasts until end of dungeon or until killed.
Mulch I : Once per dungeon can recover 1 expended use of abilities when a living enemy creature dies nearby.
Nectar I : Heals a living creature by 2 HP, or a plant by 4 HP.
Pacifism: Cannot attack.
Ex-Guard Dog
Atk: +
Guard: +1 Def for owner.
Human Affinity: +1 Atk when following a human.
Smallish: Can be lifted by other characters and enter small openings, and can still reach high places like a regular size character.
Small Mount: Can carry a Small owner, using its own Mov.
Pack Mule 2
Distributed Weight: Carried items always have a weight of 1.
Handy Packs: Can trade items freely with owner, requiring no action from them.
Kick: Once per dungeon, can make an attack with +3 Atk.
Smallish: Can be lifted by other characters and enter small openings, and can still reach high places like a regular size character.
Little Mushroom
Edible: Can be sacrificed by a living owner in order to restore owner’s HP by half of remaining HP.
Death Spores: When killed by an attack, deals 1 unblockable area poison damage to all nonmushrooms. If one or more organic creatures are killed by this damage, a new Little Mushroom is created.
Fungal Family: +1 Atk and Def for owner if owner is a mushroom.
Grow: Upon surviving a dungeon, grows into a Medium Mushroom.
Tiny: Can be carried by any other character, and can ride on a larger character to avoid being targeted by attacks. Cannot attack while riding.
Summoned flytrap
Flammable: Takes 2 additional damage from fire.
Plant: +2 Atk against undead.
Small: Can be lifted by other characters and enter small openings, but can’t reach high places without help.
Summoned: Conjured by owner, disappears at the end of the dungeon.